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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stories Behind Your Username

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I thought people were asking for name changes in the feedback and questions.

I guess I'd like a new one completely across the board, for pretty much everything.

Being a mod on other forums(obviously, I'm not a mod on msh)... Don't try to take advantage at some of the mod's kindness, it's not fair to them because if they let one do it then everyone has to do it. The only member(that I know of) was already quite active on the board that has had their name changed was BK. And he had a decent reason to have his name changed.

Please don't take this as me trying to play mini-mod or scolding you, or whatever. I know how annoying it can be at times to be a mod and once one person gets something done it seems like everyone wants it. At that point it becomes less fun and more of a job. BTW, your sn isn't bad, why change it?

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I thought people were asking for name changes in the feedback and questions.

I guess I'd like a new one completely across the board, for pretty much everything.

And I'm probably the only one on here who knows where you got your sn from... 'Tis a good one.

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in one of the Decline of Video Gaming 2(flash movie), when a character named Tom gets set on fire, that's what he says. My friend even has an "OHMYGODIMONFIRE" t-shirt.

on a side note, any way to make up sns? I need new ones.

I thought people were asking for name changes in the feedback and questions.

I guess I'd like a new one completely across the board, for pretty much everything.

And I'm probably the only one on here who knows where you got your sn from... 'Tis a good one.

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