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Watching NHL on the internet

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Hey everyone, with the NHL season coming up I was wondering how it's possible to watch NHL games on the internet? I live in Australia and over the past 2 years I could download torrents from a site called CIF but they have since shut down, and they only show 2 games a week on tv.

So what I was wondering about was whether it is possible to sign up for a internet subscription similar to what i think they offer on MLB.com but for hockey. If so is it available in Australi? and how much does it cost?

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CentreIce is only available to residents of the US or Canada unfortunately. I seem to remember something about yahoo or google showing the games but have no idea where i heard it.

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CentreIce is only available to residents of the US or Canada unfortunately. I seem to remember something about yahoo or google showing the games but have no idea where i heard it.

Yahoo had internet broadcast rights last year, but was only in the US. The NHL had a contract with Google Video (which has been transferred to Youtube now) to repeat games, not sure if it was extended highlight, or in their entirety.

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CentreIce is only available to residents of the US or Canada unfortunately. I seem to remember something about yahoo or google showing the games but have no idea where i heard it.

Yahoo had internet broadcast rights last year, but was only in the US. The NHL had a contract with Google Video (which has been transferred to Youtube now) to repeat games, not sure if it was extended highlight, or in their entirety.

The games on Google video last season were full games, minus commercials. However, games weren't updated very often. They'd put up two or three games at a time, and sometimes there'd be a week or two between updates. At least that's how I remembered it to be.

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Here’s some info about getting the NHL on the Internet.

This is all based on last season. Now that the NHL and Center Ice is Online, who knows what will work this season.

First off you can get highlights and interviews on Yahoo/Sports/NHL. FoxSports, ESPN, CBC.ca and TSN.ca, Sportsnet.ca ect…

All have recently improved dramatically. When in the US all you have to do is click and watch, no more downloading or anything. Even w/ a Mac on OSX.

You can even watch live games on Yahoo. I watched a Kings game at my Moms house in Pacific Grove, California w/ out any problems. If you have the proper connections you can even hook up you computer to a big screen. There are a few things you need to do if you are out of market. If it’s your home team's game you will need to change your home address to an out of town one in your Yahoo ID to enable the feed. If you are out of country it gets tricky but there are a few things you can do.

For Yahoo and the other feeds you may need to change your proxy to a US feed to get the stream, this changes daily so check before each game.


I haven’t tried this but to get other feeds go here for info about games and how to get them:



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Good luck and have a great season.


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