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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This scheduling sucks

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OK, so playoffs start this friday night. However the team who finished first, and should be playing the #4 team, are in toronto for a tournament, so, they have been given a bye to the final.

Instead, #3 (us) will play #4 at 8.15.

Then, the winner of that game must play #2, at 9.45 the same night.

So the #2 seed has fresh legs, having only one game to play.

This just seems unfair to me.

If the #1 seed are not in town for their game, they should forfeit, to at least give us a fighting chance at making it to the finals, and whatnot.

Sorry, just got the e-mail about it, and it sucks out loud

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Thats pretty bunk. The first place team should have to forfeit for sure.

My playoffs are pretty bunk as well. We play 2 game series. If you split it one game a piece, you play a sudden death OT after the second to see who moves on.

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I agree that that isn't fair. If the first place team chose to play in a tournament during your playoffs they should have had to forfeit unless the other team was willing to schedule the game before or after the tournament (maybe just before they left or after they got back). At the very least you should get a day of rest between games.

I feel our team was screwed over a little this year as well. Since there were only 2 teams in the top division for Thursday night this year and 8 teams in our division (the second highest) we ended up playing the 2 teams in the top division 4 or 5 times since usually we're one of the better teams in the second division, however; only one other team in our division had to play them as much. Most of the other teams only played in our division and some actually played against teams in a our lower division team. Well, we lost all the games against the teams in the top division as those teams are stacked and clearly better than us (it's not much fun to play against them and it can't be much fun for them to easily win against a lower division team) and by the end of the season we were 4th in our division (out of 7), finishing 1 point out of 3rd, 2 points out of 2nd and 5 points out of first. The first and second place teams are about our level and may have finished higher than us anyway, however; the third place team that finished one point in front of us is a team we're better than and beat every time we played them, but they didn't have any games against the teams in the higher division. The team that actually finished behind us in 5th is actually much better than the 3rd place team, but also had more games against tougher teams. The regular season standings don't matter that much since everyone makes the playoffs, but finishing higher does make the playoff road a little easier.

Now with the playoffs, since there are 7 teams the playoffs are a little strange. 1 and 7 play a 2 game series and the winner moves on, 2 and 6 have a 2 game series and the winner moves on, 3,4, and 5 play each other once each and the top two teams move on. Now, every team is scheduled to play tonight except us. We don't play this week, but instead play against the 3rd seed next Thursday at 9pm (no problem with that) and then again next Friday at 10:30pm against the 5th seed. No other team plays two nights in a row and only the team that plays us play on the Friday night. This is a Thursday league and no one signed up to play at 10:30pm on a Friday night and a couple of our better players may not be able to make that game.

I know this is a long post and don't mean to get too off topic...just needed to vent a little as well. I think your situation is more unfair as no one is getting a free pass to the finals because they're away and we don't have to play two games on the same night, but am still unhappy with both the regular season and playoff scheduling this summer in my league.

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Giving a first-place team a bye isn't so bad... doing it because they're going to a tournament is a joke. If it was originally set up that they had a bye, then ok.

As for playing 2 games back-to-back... sometimes fresh legs can be a curse. My team was in a 4-team division 3 years ago, and we finished in first. Won our first-round game against #4 seed, then beat #3 seed in the second round that same night, after about a 5-hour break. (This was a 2-game knockout tourney.) The next weekend, we showed up early to watch the loser-bracket semi, #3 and #4. #4 wins and has to play us immediately after for all the marbles. We thought we had it in the bag, we had gone 9-0 against this team during the year. Of course, they were all jacked, and we came out flat... and lost 3-1. Moral of the story is, if you win your first game, maybe your momentum--and warm bodies--will carry you through the second.

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I agree. 1st place team should have made a decision to play in your league or the tournement, but not both. I would test it under principal and tell the league your team has a scheduling conflict and you would like your game moved to next week. Just to be a pain, but hey they're making changes for other teams, right?

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Actually, having had it explained to me, I am not pissed about it now.

Our schedule was initally to run through August 10th. With that in mind, the other team scheduled to play a tournament in Toronto this weekend.

Then they only decided 3 weeks ago, this would be the playoff week, along with the final game next week.

Because the other team had already scheduled, based on the info the league gave them, the league granted them a bye.

Because that left it uneven, the #3/4 play inthe early game, and then play the #2 for the final spot in the game next week.

While it still sucks to potentially have to play 2 games tonight, it's really the only option.

I just got the e-mail yesterday and was screaming bloody murder from the rooftops. Of course I also made the assumption that I would be playing two games, which isn't guaranteed. We play the #4 tonight, and we beat them a couple of times already, but they handed us our asses last week in the final game of the regular season, so it's anyones game tonight

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Just got back.

tonight was the 2 game night.

We won the first game 5-1 and the second 3-1. I had a couple of assists in the first, and one in the second, and a stupid stupid stupid penalty (that I'm attributing to being fat slow and having to play 2 games back to back)

Championship game next week.

My first ever taste of playoffs has been fantastic. And now I am relaxing at home, with my sore assed back, and my own brew, chilled and poured, mmmm, life is good

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