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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Diesel Hockey Shoes-Have you seen these?

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quick match, lol. Interesting character.

But those diesel shoes are just sweet. i think i'll have to figure out where i can get some, for sure.

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Well here's what I got from Diesel:


Thank you for your interest in Diesel Footwear. The shoes that you are

looking for are called the Diesel Freezy. It will be available in the

middle of September at Diesel USA Stores. Although there are not Diesel

Stores in Alaska I am sure that the one in Seattle would be willing to

ship it to you. Depending on what size you are looking

for I may be able to refer you to our retail store in California that

can ship for 5$. Please feel free to e-mail me back your shoe size and

I can check on this for you to see if they have your size available.

By the way, thank you so much for adding the picture. It made finding

this shoe soooooo much easier. This was a first!

Thank You,

Kendra Munoz

Diesel Footwear

Customer Support Representative

Global Brand Marketing Inc.

Phone: 805-562-5600 ext. 3422

Fax: 805-562-5620

E-mail: kmunoz@gbmi.net

Im just catching up to the replies to this post of mine, and I'm certainly not going to pay $190 for these lol We are unfortunately lucky that hockey gets no respect from the mainstream in the states sportswise, because only we can appreciate these rad kicks, therefore they will definately go on sale lol

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Anyone remember the LA Gear version? Wayne Gretzky's signature shoe. I've seen them on eBay every now and again. Also, didn't Bobby Orr have a pair of shoes?

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Anyone remember the LA Gear version? Wayne Gretzky's signature shoe. I've seen them on eBay every now and again. Also, didn't Bobby Orr have a pair of shoes?

Yes, I remember them well. Never had a pair but I wanted them as a youngster.

Gretzky shoes

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She didn't tell you the price! :huh:

That was nice of them to reply though.

Anyway, I still want these shoes, bad.

September is going to suck. Books, new games (Halo, Eternal Sonata, etc), shoes, new stick... I'm going to be broke soon. :D

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She didn't tell you the price! :angry:

That was nice of them to reply though.

Anyway, I still want these shoes, bad.

September is going to suck. Books, new games (Halo, Eternal Sonata, etc), shoes, new stick... I'm going to be broke soon. :D

Yeah, but I think the $189 that someone posted was about right. Diesel isnt cheap at all. Does anybody remember the Nike NHL street shoes? Those were pimp. They looked like Fedorovs skates, and they sold them at sports authority.

I really could care less what brand they were, shit I wish they were Payless bobo fakes lol I'd still pick up a pair.

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They look like old school skates. They even have the grommets on the back "tendon guard".

oh, yeah, you're right! that's sick! now i want 'em too!

fastbrother7, please inform us if these are still available anywhere. i'd love to get a pair!

tsiarls79- did you see my previous post? I found them, just waiting on a confirmed price........

Nutella- yeah, I same here I gotta get the new hockeys for xbox 360, CD's ( 50 and kanye on the 11th ), and possibly those shoes if my wife lets me lol

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They look like old school skates. They even have the grommets on the back "tendon guard".

oh, yeah, you're right! that's sick! now i want 'em too!

fastbrother7, please inform us if these are still available anywhere. i'd love to get a pair!

tsiarls79- did you see my previous post? I found them, just waiting on a confirmed price........

Nutella- yeah, I same here I gotta get the new hockeys for xbox 360, CD's ( 50 and kanye on the 11th ), and possibly those shoes if my wife lets me lol

yeah, thanks!

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New Info:

Here are a list of Diesel USA stores that should be getting the Freezy:

The Diesel Stores are getting this shoe:

Lexington 212-308-0055

San Francisco 415-982-7077

Union Square 646-336-8552

Denim Gallery-212-966-5593

Las Vegas-702-791-5927

According to my data the "suggested" Retail price is 100.00. Note the "suggested". So they should be around this price. I think it would be very unlikely that a retailer would charge much more than this...


Kendra Munoz

Diesel Footwear

Customer Support Representative

Global Brand Marketing Inc.

Phone: 805-562-5600 ext. 3422

Fax: 805-562-5620

E-mail: kmunoz@gbmi.net

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I'd totally sport these with yellow laces :P

only if they are waxed

*steals idea*

But, that would be trying too hard.

Like, "PLEASE!! PLEASEE, acknowledge I play hockey! PLEASE!!"

It's too busy.

*shrug* I'll do it anyway.

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It would be cool if they sized these 1.5 sizes down.

How do Diesel shoes usually fit compared to other brands?

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