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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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you guys are all listing pretty main stream bands. what about the really talented, truly indy bands? interpol, godspeed you black emporor, and clinic come to my mind pretty quickly. and just because they do not have guitar solos does not mean the guitarist is lacking in talent. interpol has few solos, but they have two of the most creative guitarists i have ever heard. pink floyd had many solos, and gilmour is also very talented and creative. on the other hand, you have wes borland or whatever his name is. hugely talented, part of one of the worst bands ever, and all he does is play rythym. it seems to me that you people are saying that if there's no solo, it's not worth listening to. and just for the record, i never liked clapton. it's a bit hipocritical to say that one doesn't like emo, then say they like clapton. define emo as not being clapton and i'll call you a liar. also, somebody said something like pink floyd were a bunch of depressed whiny musicians, which is absolutely the biggest shit a bull has ever taken. if i'm off on any of this please let me know.

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Interpol while being a pretty cool new band is hardly groundbreaking. God Speed is nice, I have three of their records, but again, hardly groundbreaking. And the term "emo" used to describe a genre of music that has nothing to do with Eric Clapton or the blues. And I was using the Pink Floyd example to cite the influences of bands that another user called "whiny." <_<

Oh, and Kosy, jsut got tix for BTS at the House of Blues in Anaheim. This SoCal move has already paid off!

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i never said ground breaking. it's difficult to find anything groundbreaking nowadays, especially since the psychadelic era pretty much did everything there was to do. and if you don't think clapton can be classified emo, then i must be thinking of a different definition of emo. i thought it described talking about love and girls and so on. if i'm wrong, excuse me, because i tend to listen to more indy and progressive bands. and i don't like socal either. i moved here last year from dallas texas; 1: not as many hot girls as i was told. 2: not NEARLY as much hockey. 3: cost of living is so much! i have had to actually save money from my jobs and have had to serioulsy cut down on my hockey spending becaus gas is so expensive. i'm not trying to start anything with anybody, because i can see this post coming across as such. just my two cents.

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Damnit! Who are they playing with? Back four or five years ago they'd come to Eugene at least once a year and do a show. Too bad my mom would never let me go to that creepy ass concert hall. Now that I'm older, they never come anymore.

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They're playing with J. Mascis and The Fog the following night in Hollywood but I've been to a GBV show in that club and it was a lousy setup so we decided to try our luck with the HOB. There is no act listed for that show though. They are playing in Portland in Sept if you can make the short trip there... check pollstar.com for details.

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you guys are all listing pretty main stream bands. what about the really talented, truly indy bands? interpol, godspeed you black emporor, and clinic come to my mind pretty quickly.

I totally love GY!BE, but it's not something I can listen to actively. It's something I will put on while doing schoolwork or something. Good band though. I've never heard clinic, what are they like?

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best way to describe them? wierd. however, they are considered one of the gods of indy, right up there with the flaming lips and the pixies, so that should tell you something. they have a very distinctive sound. like literally, i have never in all my life heard anything like them. and they progress very well too. their sound changes with each new album. you ppl should also check out the mars volta. even tho it's kind of the "thing" to like the mars volta, i was there from the beginning, and i can tell you they jam like no other.

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I'm sorry but if there is one "group" I absolutely can't ******* stand it is insane clown posse. They are the dumbest, most ignorant, worst "group" I have ever heard in my entire life.

Sorry to go off on a tangent, but they are a shame to all things music.

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searously, if i got shot up, lived to tell it, and then started to rap, id get laughed at, whats so good about 50cent?

if anyone can ansewer this one, holler at me :lol:

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No one laughed at 2pac the first time he got shot. I don't think getting shot means anything other than you are living the life you are talking about.

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