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Long lost Stanley Cup Ring found

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So they found Bill the last time they won the cup, now they found a ring that was lost and was of the last team to win the cup, good karma for Toronto??

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So they found Bill the last time they won the cup, now they found a ring that was lost and was of the last team to win the cup, good karma for Toronto??

They'll need alot more then that to break their streak. :D

Good read, I wonder how much of a reward he's gonna get.

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So they found Bill the last time they won the cup, now they found a ring that was lost and was of the last team to win the cup, good karma for Toronto??

They'll need alot more then that to break their streak. :D

Yeah, but ya gotta start somewhere.

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There was another incident like this in the past year. Johnny Bower lost his ring in a Tim Horton's parking lot in Mississauga and some guy found it sitting in some slush.

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So the last time they won a cup was in 66/67 so it is 40 years without a cup. Ouch! Can we start calling it nhl Bambino curse? :lol:

The Hawks have a longer streak. Last time they won was 1961.

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So the last time they won a cup was in 66/67 so it is 40 years without a cup. Ouch! Can we start calling it nhl Bambino curse? :lol:

The Hawks have a longer streak. Last time they won was 1961.

With the Hawks we call it the Wirtz Curse. That guy has to go for the good of the team and the league.

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So the last time they won a cup was in 66/67 so it is 40 years without a cup. Ouch! Can we start calling it nhl Bambino curse? :lol:

The Hawks have a longer streak. Last time they won was 1961.

Yeah, but not many people are aware of it since Hawks fans don't bitch about it like the Leafs fans do. :o

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This is actually an *incredible* story.

The amount of ocean floor, a tiny ring, and someone finds it anyway. Crazy.

I know, I'm just saying...

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