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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LH Hulls

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I've found a LH pattern thats almost an exact replica of the Hull pro curve. Its the Morrow GI. I snatched up 3 of them on eBay, but I never saw a picture of the curve (I knew if I didn't end up liking them, Buzz would take them off my hands). Everything about this curve is like the Hull, right down to the rockered toe. Damn, 3 TPS Pro Stock blades for $10 is a good enough deal by itself, not to mention I've found a rare ass curve, completely by mistake. I've seen the same 3 pack of blades up on eBay before, so if you guys are interested, keep your eyes peeled. I'm working on pics, they should be up shortly.

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Is it more towards the heel or Toe? I have the Hull response + pic that I invert to see LH and it seems like a heel, but this seems more like a toe. I'd definately be up for trying one, good find Kosy.

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I emailed the guy about getting some more. It took him over a week to send out the blades, but I still left him positive feedback. I figure he owes me. To me, it looks like this opens up more at the mid than the heel, but I could be wrong. The second picture doesn't give a good shot of it I don't think. To me it looks identical to the one on the H&S outlet website.

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That blade looks an awful lot like a pattern I had made by Branches a few years back. Next time I'm down at my folks I'll take a couple pics of them.

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sorry if this has been discussed earlier, but what's the point with the bottom of the toe being shaved?

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