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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL players hollow and radius database...

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Anyone who know what kind of hollow or radius of any NHL players, just put it here. I would like to do kind of a hollow and radius small database of NHL players.

The only one I know so far are these :

Messier : 1"

Laraque : 1"

Pronger : 7/8"

Sakic : 5/8"

Iginla : 1/2"

Coffey(at the end of his career) : 1"

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From the Calgary Flames "Whats in the bag" news part of their web site.

Zyuzin - 1/2"

Yelle - 5/8", 9' radius

Regehr - 1 1/8"

Amonte - 5/8"

Iginla - 3/8", 9' radius

McCarty - 5/8"

Phaneuf - 5/8"

Hamrlik - 1/2"

Giordano - 5/8"

Kiprusoff - 3/16", 28' blade

McLennan - 1 1/4"

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I can't imagine that Kipper's can be right. That would be like a 1/16" in a players skate if not sharper. I though he used something like a 3/8" which is extremely sharp for a goalie skate.

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From the Calgary Flames "Whats in the bag" news part of their web site.

Zyuzin - 1/2"

Yelle - 5/8", 9' radius

Regehr - 1 1/8"

Amonte - 5/8"

Iginla - 3/8", 9' radius

McCarty - 5/8"

Phaneuf - 5/8"

Hamrlik - 1/2"

Giordano - 5/8"

Kiprusoff - 3/16", 28' blade

McLennan - 1 1/4"

I think that Regehr uses the CT blade, too, so its radius can't really compared to the other skaters'.

I can't imagine that Kipper's can be right. That would be like a 1/16" in a players skate if not sharper. I though he used something like a 3/8" which is extremely sharp for a goalie skate.

I think that's correct, and that's how he gets such a strong push when he is down in the butterfly. I was also told that he also dulls the outside edges.

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I can't imagine that Kipper's can be right. That would be like a 1/16" in a players skate if not sharper. I though he used something like a 3/8" which is extremely sharp for a goalie skate.

I think that's correct, and that's how he gets such a strong push when he is down in the butterfly. I was also told that he also dulls the outside edges.

That really doesn't mean much. You have to remember that a goalie skate has wider steel than a players skate. MOST goalie skates sharpened to 3/4" will feel like a 1/2" on a players skate. I couldn't imagine skating on a 3/16" on a players skate, let alone a goalie skate.

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