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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any Orlando MSHers? Need a pub that shows footy

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Ireland play the Czech Republic on Wednesday in a Euro 08 qualifier, and myself and 4 of the lads from home will be down there for the week.

Does any know of a good bar that will be showing the game. I know that a lot of English go to Orlando too, and they have a game as well, but not sure now that the season is slowing down, how many will be there.

But looking for a place that is more likely to show the Ireland game.


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Where in Orlando are you going to be?

If you're in Tourist Trap area I can't help you much. I *think* there's an Irish pub on I-Drive.

There's an English pub in Altamonte Springs that shows games. But that'll be about a 40 min drive up I-4.

Fiddler's Green in Winter Park might show games. An Tobar would've but they are closed (RIP - I've been drunk too many times in that place)

Might be surprised, hotel lobby bar may show it. I'm sure they would cater to tourists.

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that's where we saw the game last time we were down. We are in a villa, so no hotel lobby to see it in

hope you can make the match. good luck.

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