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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tinted Visors - Competitive edge or Complete Douchebaggery?

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That works for me; I'd put aviators in the same group as tinted visors in the list of things that bother me.

With you on the visors...aviators are great for long driving trips, but then you usually see frat boys wearing them in bars along with their polo shirts with collars stuck up. Still, not enough to ruin their functionality for me.

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Yellow or a rose color is very good at eliminating shadows and increasing definition as was just mentioned. This is why some people feel they make things brighter. That is also why they are popular for skiing and driving glasses, like REVOs. Try a pair at dawn or as it gets close to dusk on a ski slope or driving, makes a world of difference.

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btw gohabsgo which team do you play with in london UK?

I am moving there in a couple weeks and need to find a team...

I dont know what it is, but i've never been bothered by lights in any rink i've played in...

Are there many of you that have this issue?

I recommend you take a look at http://londonspitfire.googlepages.com .

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I personally picked up the Itech HS22 Pro Wave Mirrored Visor this off-season and to anyone that says it's really dark I have no clue what you are talking about.

All it really does is reduce glare and cuts shadows out.

That and it looks damn cool. If having some fun with my equipment makes me a douche then I think I am playing the wrong sport.

Also if someone having something a little different than the norm ( sort of like my pink hockey tape :ph34r: ) makes you want to target then personally in an attempt to injure them, well you are truly a pathetic intolerant prick.

The only time I think roughing someone up unnecessarily is even justified is if they are a cheap player running around slashing and giving cheap shots, in that case they deserve it.

Oh and I didn't like my Yellow Visor, I actually found it caused more strain on my eyes, to me it seemed to over saturate the arena with light and made it really hard to focus my eyes.

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btw gohabsgo which team do you play with in london UK?

I am moving there in a couple weeks and need to find a team...

I dont know what it is, but i've never been bothered by lights in any rink i've played in...

Are there many of you that have this issue?

I recommend you take a look at http://londonspitfire.googlepages.com .

IIRC they only play games with small goals on ice, while their roller team play with goalies...

do you live in london?

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To each his/her own...everyone has different sensitivity to light and adjustments to light. To say you don't know what "anyone is talking about" is applying your adjustment to a tint as if everyone has the same set of eyes.

I just provided MY experience..how it works for me. The HS22 mirror IS darker for me. I really like it for the majority of the rinks that are very bright. I prefer the blue tint because it just dulls the white light...for ME. It seems you have a different experience. That's cool.

For those that have an issue with people that wear tinted visors...you might want to be more open-minded to the fact that some people may wear them for reasons other than wanting to stand out. Some of us wear them because it helps with eye strain. I remember working in my office and everyone getting on my case about the "dungeon": I would keep the lights off due to the light sensitivity.

Personally...shiny gloves, matching socks/jerseys, pink tape or laces...who the hell cares. Shut up and play.

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btw gohabsgo which team do you play with in london UK?

I am moving there in a couple weeks and need to find a team...

I dont know what it is, but i've never been bothered by lights in any rink i've played in...

Are there many of you that have this issue?

I recommend you take a look at http://londonspitfire.googlepages.com .

IIRC they only play games with small goals on ice, while their roller team play with goalies...

do you live in london?

that's right, but the level is good due to the fact that most of the players are international. london is not the best place for hockey, unless you can get to one of the three rinks (that's right 7 million people and only three proper rinks) which are outside of the centre with poor public transport. as it says, in central london, that is the only club, at the only rink in the centre of town. i used to live there so if you want more info pm me your email address.

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To each his/her own...everyone has different sensitivity to light and adjustments to light. To say you don't know what "anyone is talking about" is applying your adjustment to a tint as if everyone has the same set of eyes.

I just provided MY experience..how it works for me. The HS22 mirror IS darker for me. I really like it for the majority of the rinks that are very bright. I prefer the blue tint because it just dulls the white light...for ME. It seems you have a different experience. That's cool.

For those that have an issue with people that wear tinted visors...you might want to be more open-minded to the fact that some people may wear them for reasons other than wanting to stand out. Some of us wear them because it helps with eye strain. I remember working in my office and everyone getting on my case about the "dungeon": I would keep the lights off due to the light sensitivity.

Personally...shiny gloves, matching socks/jerseys, pink tape or laces...who the hell cares. Shut up and play.

I admit how i see the tint of the mirrored and how you do is probably quite different.

I have tried on a couple different tinted visors though mix of Oakley/Itech and the HS22 for me has the least tint that I have experienced.

Thats exactly what I wanted, a slight tint to take the edge off of things, and playing minimal contact hockey, hiding ones eyes is never going to be a bad thing.

I to an extent agree with some peoples view of flashy gear. If you are wearing flashy gear to be a show off you are being rather pathetic, but to stoop just as low as them by going after them in my books is even more pathetic.

Also like you said, unless you know the person you can't say for sure what their reason is for wearing a certain tint of Visor.

I am however guilty as charged for being a huge gear whore, I would seriously lay down $200+ to get a custom pair of Pink/Lime Green Mias, I personally think they would look awesome and the looks on the guys faces would be priceless, probably well worth the 2 or so days of work to buy them. I love things like Hot Fluorescent Pink Tape, I would have it no other way. I actually have a pink cowboy hat ( looks great by the way :P ) that I wear just so I can laugh my ass off at the shallow losers that give me dirty looks.

Everyone should jut be out there to have fun, who gives a flying rats ass what others do, all that matters is what you do when you step on the ice.

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Everyone should jut be out there to have fun, who gives a flying rats ass what others do, all that matters is what you do when you step on the ice.

Exactly....couldn't have said it better.

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MLS thanks for your detailed info on the different visors...

BLU I agree with what you are saying, its pretty weak when someone goes after you due to what equipment you are wearing. I do hear stuff said on the bench like "hit the guy with the pink laces" and shit like that... People should be allowed to be unique, without the risk of some goon retaliating because he has a fear of someone being different.

Now as far as the visors go, i really need to try out my team mate's yellow one. Too bad he never goes to practice! I think the mirror is too flashy for my taste, but the blue or tinted could be an option. But i would def. have to try them out first to see if it's for me.

Thanks again everyone for your input.

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That works for me; I'd put aviators in the same group as tinted visors in the list of things that bother me.

Same thing.

Having a tinted visor or aviator is a very bad first impression for me. If you have game to back it up (which I have yet to see) it redeems you. Until then you might as well enjoy the nice target that piece of plastic puts on you for looking like a douchebag.

What's wrong with an aviator visor? I have a clear Oakley aviator because it's the biggest visor I could find. I wanted the most protection without resorting to a cage.

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I personally picked up the Itech HS22 Pro Wave Mirrored Visor this off-season and to anyone that says it's really dark I have no clue what you are talking about.

All it really does is reduce glare and cuts shadows out.

That and it looks damn cool. If having some fun with my equipment makes me a douche then I think I am playing the wrong sport.

Also if someone having something a little different than the norm ( sort of like my pink hockey tape :ph34r: ) makes you want to target then personally in an attempt to injure them, well you are truly a pathetic intolerant prick.

The only time I think roughing someone up unnecessarily is even justified is if they are a cheap player running around slashing and giving cheap shots, in that case they deserve it.

too bad not everyone thinks that way

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That works for me; I'd put aviators in the same group as tinted visors in the list of things that bother me.

Same thing.

Having a tinted visor or aviator is a very bad first impression for me. If you have game to back it up (which I have yet to see) it redeems you. Until then you might as well enjoy the nice target that piece of plastic puts on you for looking like a douchebag.

What's wrong with an aviator visor? I have a clear Oakley aviator because it's the biggest visor I could find. I wanted the most protection without resorting to a cage.

i think he's talking about aviator sunglasses. And i think they are cool unless some coller popped frat boy is wearing them...

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