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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SickGrip tape

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I just found this on a Swedish board, SickGrip a new kind of tape for the sticks. It's like strips of tape with grip, that you attach along the blade (as opposed to around the blade like you normally do), and it's apparently increasing the friction between the tape and puck compared to regular tape, giving it a faster spin and better puck control (according to the website anyway).

Another benefit is durability, it says it lasts longer than regular tape, and is also easy to attach and remove.

There are some pictures of the structure on the website, unfortunately it's all in Swedish but you can see the pictures anyway. What do you guys think of this idea?


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Looks like bladetape but without the mini grooves.

Honestly a good tape job heel to toe will create enough "grab" for the puck to spin nicely.

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looks like skateboard griptape?!

i wouldnt use it ... i too much like to take the time and tape my sticks before a game .. rub a puck along the tape .. some wax .. its religion :D

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You rub a puck then wax?! Dear god! We're going to have to clash religions now. Everybody knows you wax first then puck!

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Nope never happened eh. I just found that when puck first the wax does not stick to the tape as well. I use sex wax or snap wax. And I've tried melting and not melting the wax onto the blade.

But before we got off topic on how we wax our blades yes this is the European version of blade tape as a poster mentioned. I should call Sundin and have him translate the site for me.

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