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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Height issues...

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they can stretch u out with rubberbands, the nazis use to do this, causes extreme pain supposivly. But in all seriosness, they do have treatments like that, where they gently stretch you out. Sounds like fun

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Running is not good for getting taller because the impact upon the knees slowly wares away at the cartilage. I am shorter then I am supposed to be because of all my running.

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I've actually heard milk is bad for you once your past a fairly young age (13 seems about right) something about the calcium already having built the bones and thus harming the growth and strength of the bones.

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Because then it wouldn't be annoying.

Oh yes, keen observation Mr. Mack.

Buddy, if you wanna grow their aren't many way's to do it. You basically have to eat and sleep properly, and don't do drugs.

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Because then it wouldn't be annoying.

Oh yes, keen observation Mr. Mack.

Buddy, if you wanna grow their aren't many way's to do it. You basically have to eat and eat properly, sleep and don't do drugs.

Well I heard (and seen) examples where kids are dwarves when their moms smoked during pregnacy. Nuttin' any of us can do about that tho.

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it doesn't matter how tall you are. Get stronger and that way you have more leverage than taller people. Its not height that matters, its strength and heart. Play with heart and if you have any skill at all you do really well. Remember, heart and desire go a lot further than size and skill. The best players have lots of skill, but what people don't realize is how much heart they play with. They want it more than everyone else.

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There's Ads all over the place for this stuff I couldn't tell you if it works though.

LOL, I seriously doubt that would work. Although you shouldnt take my word for it, I'm 6'1" and probably has plenty of growing left to do. :lol:

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There's Ads all over the place for this stuff I couldn't tell you if it works though.

LOL, I seriously doubt that would work. Although you shouldnt take my word for it, I'm 6'1" and probably has plenty of growing left to do. :lol:

I don't think it would work either, but the ads are amusing, "feel great, look sexy, heathly, and taller!"

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i remember watching something on Discovery about a midget wanting to be a flight attendant, but she was too small. So she had some operation that cracked her knees and she would become taller because of it. But im sure your dont want to be tall that bad.

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Because then it wouldn't be annoying.

C'mon Mack, I don't want to be annoying at all. Just please calm down a bit. Maybe if I'm annoying it's because of my english but i'm doing my best...and I think I have improved my level of discussion over the last 2 months.

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Yeah, go ahead and sign up for the Gattaca surgery and have your bones cut and spaced apart.


True, but there's no need to act like the damn Riddler.

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