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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everyone's been.............

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...........very helpful w/ my previous post about 7000's. I noticed a lot of people associated many problems w/ the year/model I mentioned (2000).

Now, were the second generation 7000's an improvement?

I started a new thread because I didn't want people to miss this question. Sorry if that's improper.

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They really are great skates regardless of the year, but the second gen (all black as opposed to grey quarters) are a little bit softer and more comfortable. I had both, and loved both.

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My buddy has had a pair of the blowout ones for almost a year now and hes still not convinced they're broken in. He still is constantly punching/baking/ect. to try to get an even better fit.

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We stopped carrying 7000s due to all of the problems people had with them. The main complaint was that the skates were too hard to break in.

The 2001 skate was slightly softer and shorter.

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Honestly - I can say the 7000 is the best skate I have ever had. Super durable, medium weight, and comfortable. I know the 8000 is the same way, at least in my opinion.

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