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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

CherryPharm recovery drink

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a little bit off topic but a buddy who i played with in the summer who captain a junoir A team told me the best afterwork out drink is chocolate milk, some how it re blenshes you in a crap load of ways. anyone else here this?

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  oggy_3 said:

a little bit off topic but a buddy who i played with in the summer who captain a junoir A team told me the best afterwork out drink is chocolate milk, some how it re blenshes you in a crap load of ways. anyone else here this?

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search around a bit, it was addressed quite some time ago...

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Every summer me and my wife head up to Washington to see her family. Cherries are in season when we go so we eat quite a bit.. All I can say about them is about a handfull is enough to give you the shits.

I imagine drinking 20oz of the juice qualifies the "anal seepage" side effect.

I'll pass.

On a side note, I don't trust anything that uses the line "harnesses the natural power of (insert noun here)".

Edit: After looking at the page again and seeing "Developed at Cornell University", I wonder what school would be like there. My classes are hard as hell. I want to go there and major in squeezing fruit and minor in harnessing the natural power of stuff.

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Cornell is an agriculturally-based institution; it doesn't surprise me that the people there would be studying stuff like this. It is an Ivy-League school, so I can't imagine that there are many easy A's to be had there. Then again, I've often heard that the only hard part of graduating from Harvard is getting in.

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We're one of the most competitive schools in the country. Professors only accept perfect answers, assign 300 pages of reading a night, and the curves suck. I guess it will be worth it in the end though. :rolleyes:

It actually tastes pretty good, they sell it in many of the convenience stores throughout campus.

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  Cavs019 said:

Professors only accept perfect answers, assign 300 pages of reading a night, and the curves suck.

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I'm so glad I'm not book smart and didn't have to make a decision of which school I was going to give $30,000 a year to...

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"Tough practices, brutal games, half the season on the road - that's why we drink CHERRYPHARM. The New York Rangers have integrated the proven benefits of CHERRYPHARM's all-natural juice into the lives of our players - we feel less sore, sleep better, and recover faster."

-Jim Ramsay

And still barely made the playoffs!

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you can believe something has merit at the NHL level when its endorsed or used by the Stars..Soupy is the toughest nut to crack and if he uses it with his players its not about the $$

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