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Bill Wirtz dies

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Always sad when someone passes away, however, maybe this will start a new era with the Blackhawks. It is a disgrace that the third largest market in the US can't watch the teams games on TV. Of course, the last decade or so, they didn't miss much.

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Cancer is a horrible way to go! I feel for the family.

But on the other side, i hope the Hawks can get someone with new ideas at the helm.

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Cancer is a horrible way to go! I feel for the family.

But on the other side, i hope the Hawks can get someone with new ideas at the helm.

His son Peter has been assuming a larger role in recent years.

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Cancer is a horrible way to go! I feel for the family.

But on the other side, i hope the Hawks can get someone with new ideas at the helm.

His son Peter has been assuming a larger role in recent years.

So apparently Chicago can expect more of the same. On the plus side, at least Chicago fans give us B's fans someone to feel sorry for.

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