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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any stick you want- $60 !?

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Well I ordered a stick from Epuck last week during there week of madness sale. 11 days later they email me and say they are out of stock but will honor the $60 price on a replacement stick. Now am I correct in assuming when they say replacement stick they mean ANY stick? And if I can get any stick what would you choose?

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Please pick out a different stick from our site and give us a call to make the sub
Yes the $60 will be honored on a replacement stick

It sure is a pain in the butt trying to find a curve similar to the TPS Perry from other manufacturers.

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It doesnt look like Easton has anything anywere near that curve. would sakic be the closest? Still not anywhere near the same though im sure.

If I cant get a P106 XXX Lite woody then I may try for a stealth if I can get a half decent curve.

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as far as i knew, the P106 and the Perry were heel curves. for Easton, your best bet would be either the Drury or Lidstrom.

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ePuck customer service is terrible. I have been calling them 2 days straight and after holding for 10 minutes I keep getting dumped to to a voicemail inbox that doesnt let me leve a message. Not to mention it takes them 4-5 days to respond to emails.

As far as curves, Drury isnt deep enough and lidstrom may be to much of a curve not to mention a square toe.

What a waste of time there customer support number is.

*After holding for 10 minutes* "Your approximate wait time is 1 minute"...


*click* "Im sorry you call cannot be completed as dilaed"


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Well after finally getting ahold of somone at ePuck I am now being told it is $60 towards a replacement stick... which is different than what was in my email from them. So basicly I can pay full price for a replacement stick after waiting 2 weeks to be told my stick was out of stock and be happy about it... Oh boy...

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