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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

XXXX protective

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i so remember that episode roflmao

but anywho........the gear looks pretty snazzy ;)

lil too much bulk in the midsection for me on those shoulders but who knows ...could be like underarmor with some soft pads for your ribs and kidneys

elbows i would assume are not much different from the ONE90 elbows

looking forward to the stick the most since i love the feel of the vapor but not the durability

are gloves, shins and pants to follow?

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Their parents must be rich buying all that expensive equipment!! Nice design, I like it alot.

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they dont but it lol... they get it for free (sponsoring?)

I think he was being sarcastic...

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Is that a shot of the new 9500 lid on the top of the stall? I can't tell.

could someone please answer this question im dying to know!

i'd guess because in the 9500 thread some of the staal's were wearin them

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Is it just me or do companies not normally have pics like these of pro's wearing their protective equipment. I just haven't seen much advertising for shoulders, elbow pads, etc. They probably don't wear it in on the ice anyways. :blink:

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Is it just me or do companies not normally have pics like these of pro's wearing their protective equipment. I just haven't seen much advertising for shoulders, elbow pads, etc. They probably don't wear it in on the ice anyways. :huh:

you're probably right, i heard most of the pros use jofa. well thats what ccm brags about...

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they dont but it lol... they get it for free (sponsoring?)

I think he was being sarcastic...

If I wasn`t sarcastic, there is something seriously wrong with me.

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this is just a wild guess but the xxxx protective looks alot like the lightspeed line of shins/shoulders/elbows. my guess is that they drop the lightspeed stuff and rebrand it xxxx. otherwise they would have one90, xxxx, and lightspeed for high end stuff. whats up with the staals still being head to toe bauer except easton for sticks

actually i guess marc is using a one 90 stick, but eric is using a ST and jordan is using a SL

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