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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Blade similar to Easton Shanahan?

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Discontinued Bauer P10 ( old Gagne ) if you can find any .'East West Hockey' in northern California might be a good starting point in your search for pro stock TPS gear ?

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P14, if you can find one.

Anything else close if I cannot find a P14?

Thanks again.

Your local TPS dealer should be able to order them. Otherwise I would go with a Messier retail. It's not all that close but the other options are even less similar.

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P14, if you can find one.

Anything else close if I cannot find a P14?

Thanks again.

Your local TPS dealer should be able to order them. Otherwise I would go with a Messier retail. It's not all that close but the other options are even less similar.

Just for reference, TPS Messier (wood, on the left)


As for close in Easton, none are toe curves. Yzerman was the only other 6 lie, which is now gone. Iginla/Heatly will get the curve more-mid, and the lie close, but they are much shorter blades.

My buddy went from using the Shanny pattern for a long time, now uses an Iginla and he like it quite a bit.

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P14, if you can find one.

Anything else close if I cannot find a P14?

Thanks again.

Your local TPS dealer should be able to order them. Otherwise I would go with a Messier retail. It's not all that close but the other options are even less similar.

Can you still get the Messier pattern even though it's not in the catalog for 08?

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P14, if you can find one.

Anything else close if I cannot find a P14?

Thanks again.

Your local TPS dealer should be able to order them. Otherwise I would go with a Messier retail. It's not all that close but the other options are even less similar.

Can you still get the Messier pattern even though it's not in the catalog for 08?

I thought they just renamed it, let me dig up a catalog.

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The Messier appears to have been retired, not renamed. Some people mistakingly think the Afingenov is the renamed Messier but in fact its the new name for the Sundin\Brendl pattern.

The Afinagenov is a moderate mid curve with a neutral face and a pretty 5-5.5ish lie.

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The Messier appears to have been retired, not renamed. Some people mistakingly think the Afingenov is the renamed Messier but in fact its the new name for the Sundin\Brendl pattern.

The Afinagenov is a moderate mid curve with a neutral face and a pretty 5-5.5ish lie.

The Sundin/Brendl was a huge mid curve, not moderate in any way

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