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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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my friend goes to saint john fisher and i got him playing hockey this summer...can anyone tell me what rinks are close to his school and if there adult league has started yet?


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There are a bunch of rinks in that area. You might want to have him check with the people over at the ESL Center - probably the nicest, most well-run facility he's going to find.

Make sure he avoids, at all costs, a rink called SIR (right in downtown Rochester). Probably one of the worst rinks I've ever played at in my entire life.

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are you talking about the rink that has glass around half of the rink, and the other side is the boards and then BRICK WALL with padding on it? That rink is awesome.....

Best thing I ever saw was when a kid got hit in the corner, pushed the glass upwards in its frame (because its loose and not bolted it - at least this pane wasn't) and the glass came down on the kids arm and trapped him there. Play went down to the other end and the kid is stuck floping around trying to get his arm free. Had to stop the game for him so someone could get him free. That rink isn't in the best neighborhood either.

On a side note St. John Fisher has a club team - not very good or organized though - that your buddy could prolly get into. Those would be the guys to talk to if your looking for ice in that area....

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yeah i said something to him about club..but he says hes not good enough and wants to play in a lower adult b4 he trys anything else

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Best thing I ever saw was when a kid got hit in the corner, pushed the glass upwards in its frame (because its loose and not bolted it - at least this pane wasn't) and the glass came down on the kids arm and trapped him there. Play went down to the other end and the kid is stuck floping around trying to get his arm free. Had to stop the game for him so someone could get him free

sucks for the kid, but that has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever heard.

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are you talking about the rink that has glass around half of the rink, and the other side is the boards and then BRICK WALL with padding on it? That rink is awesome.....

Best thing I ever saw was when a kid got hit in the corner, pushed the glass upwards in its frame (because its loose and not bolted it - at least this pane wasn't) and the glass came down on the kids arm and trapped him there. Play went down to the other end and the kid is stuck floping around trying to get his arm free. Had to stop the game for him so someone could get him free. That rink isn't in the best neighborhood either.

That would be the one. My AAA team had the unfortunate experience of scrimmaging a Rochester private school (McQuaid Jesuit) which, for some reason, was playing their home games in that particular "rink" for a brief period of time. The ice was bad, the boards were dead and the dimensions seemed a bit off.

You're right about the neighborhood, too. The parking lot is directly adjacent (but not connected to) the highway, while the rest of the property is touching various locales within the ghetto of Rochacha.

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Rochester has a ghetto?!!!! :rolleyes:

A couple of 'em, actually. The area right around SIR isn't THAT bad, but the East Side of the city (just outside the "Inner Loop" - affectionately known as "The Roc(k)") is definitely an area where you don't want to get lost at night.

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