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Doctor Hook

Roller pants for ice

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In any beer league game, you always expect to see a) dudes rocking OG catseye cages, b] dudes who think they're Probert, and c) dudes who rock roller pants in lieu of traditional hockey pants and socks. Personally, I'm not a fan of the roller/ice look because I'm a traditionalist, but to each his own.

Anyone rock roller pants for ice? If so, why? I used to think roller pants were padded, but they're basically windpants, so do you add shins and girdle?

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A) and C) are two big pet peeves on mine... it drives me crazy and i dont know why...

I guess roller pants are ok if you are playing stick and puck or something, but it just drives me crazy seeing that in a regular game

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Doctor Hook Posted Today, 05:50 PM

In any beer league game, you always expect to see a) dudes rocking OG catseye cages, b] dudes who think they're Probert, and c) dudes who rock roller pants in lieu of traditional hockey pants and socks. Personally, I'm not a fan of the roller/ice look because I'm a traditionalist, but to each his own.

Anyone rock roller pants for ice? If so, why? I used to think roller pants were padded, but they're basically windpants, so do you add shins and girdle?

Personally I use roller pants for roller and ice pants for ice, but have used roller hockey pants once for ice at a game when I accidently forgot my ice pants at home, but had the roller pants in the bag. In that instance I only had a jock and shin pads underneath as that's what I usually wear for roller - I was just really hoping I didn't get hit with a puck above the knees and luckily I didn't. Recently I picked up a Mission Thorax Advantage girdle that I'm going to use next roller season, but while it's protective enough for roller (I used to wear nothing and could handle the odd shot hitting me since the roller puck is a little lighter) I wouldn't really want to rely on that regularily for ice.

I can see why some guys would wear roller pants for ice regularily. You don't wear ice socks with roller pants so there's more airflow and roller pants and/or girdles are much lighter than most mid-high end ice pants and allow for greater freedome of movement. For ice I just prefer the protection of ice pants...and aesthetically it does look weird to wear roller pants for ice or cooperalls...just as it looks weird (and gets waaaay too hot) to wear ice pants for roller.

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Better yet:

Dudes that wear warmup pants over girdles...that drives me nuts.

People that wear roller gear on ice are asking to get hip checked trying to go outside...I live for those moments.

hip check

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I have never seen anyone rock RollerHockey pants in Calgary, and I am sure that would bring some extra physical attention here.

But down south it might be different, some are alright looking, but not on the ice.

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is it wrong that some people like cooperalls?

I've never thought too much of it except it just looks weird. No matter how I look, it just feels out of place when someone's skating down the ice with pants on.

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i would rock roller pants and an ice girdle. i dont think id ever use my roller girdle for ice cause the thorax is like minimalist of the inline girdles. i like the look of inline pants over ice plus you get the extra breathability from the inline pants. A few of my friends agree with me on this as well when i brought it up in the dressing room once.

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I love it when roller players wear their pants to ice time. Its like a big red sign that says "I cant stop" is strapped around their neck.

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There was a guy in one of my leagues a few years back that would wear roller pants under his ice pants... so basically the roller pants were in lieu of socks. it was excellent.

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i 'rock' inline pants and inline girdle sometimes during dropins if it is summer time. the rinks can get pretty warm here (texas) and the roller gear is cooler and i don't need as much padding for drop ins.

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I love it when roller players wear their pants to ice time. Its like a big red sign that says "I cant stop" is strapped around their neck.

That's hilarious. I only can think of one person that wears roller hockey pants on ice. The kid is really fast, but its more like he's running on the ice than skating. . . . and he can't stop

But I don'to see any problem with wearing sweat pants under your hockey pants in place of hockey socks. I actually think it's a great idea, don't know why i've never done it.

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I love it when roller players wear their pants to ice time. Its like a big red sign that says "I cant stop" is strapped around their neck.

so true so true

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I tried it a few times and didn't like the feel of it. I couldn't care less what I look like out there as long as I'm playing ok which I wasn't doing wearing Inline pants so I switched to a Bauer girdle with a Tackla shell combo. Worked for me much better than the Inline girdle and pants combo I tried and the old Ice hockey pants I had. Each to his own.

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About the stupidest thing I have ever done was wearing shorts to an ice time. It was just a stick and puck. I was only picking up my skates from being sharpened and jumped on the ice for a few minutes. I lost my edges doing some tight crossovers and from instinct slid on my leg and got up. The ice was WELL used and it felt like I slid on a cheese grater. I stood up and looked down and my white sock was already drenched red and I had hundreds of little cuts on the side of my calf. I still have a few scars from the deep ones that got infected.

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I love it when roller players wear their pants to ice time. Its like a big red sign that says "I cant stop" is strapped around their neck.

My thoughts exactly... or "I can't shoot a puck".

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I have been wearing sweat pants under my hockey pants for the past 10 years. I always seem to try wearing a pair of socks everytime a team I am on gets new ones, and am always back to the sweatpants the next game.

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We have a guy at pick-up who wears pajamas under his pants. Normally he would be considered a tool, but since he is a big guy and an excellent player, he is considered unique.

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Every now and again we get a player wearing the roller setup at drop in. I don't see a problem with it, but those guys tend to get harassed buy the younger dudes.

I don't understand why what a player wears can cause so much controversy. First season in the beer leagues and you want an AO mirrored visor? Go for it!

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I wear them for "stick and puck", mainly because I don't feel like putting on full pads, just inline pants, a jersey, gloves, and a helmet.

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i love seeing the trendy guys who give me funny looks when i wear my inline pants to an ice drop in...as if they know i suck because of my pants. the look on their face when i school them is priceless.

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i love seeing the trendy guys who give me funny looks when i wear my inline pants to an ice drop in...as if they know i suck because of my pants. the look on their face when i school them is priceless.

pssst!....I would still laugh at your pants.

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i love seeing the trendy guys who give me funny looks when i wear my inline pants to an ice drop in...as if they know i suck because of my pants. the look on their face when i school them is priceless.

Same here. I wear my womens field hockey gear to drop in and I can hear those abercrombie pricks talking about me. :rolleyes:

Heaven forbid we wear the correct gear for the corresponding sport.. we're too elite for that.


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