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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which Carbon fiber weave is stronger?

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I think the bauer looks like a tighter weave but that ccm blade seems real stiff in person. I'm not sure what the core of these blades is like but does anyone have any good knowledge to explain which blade is stronger?

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The "tightness" of the weave is so far down the list of factors that determine durability that it's laughable to worry about it.

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The "tightness" of the weave is so far down the list of factors that determine durability that it's laughable to worry about it.

Please, Enlighten me on the factors that I should pay most attention to...

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As much as i see and know, it looks like the structure that NBH uses is equally strong to any direction, while the one used by CCM seem, the fibers are almost vertically arranged so it has something to do in which way it is very strong while in another its weaker.

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In a nut shell, the outer layer is just one of as many as a couple dozen layers of CF material with the fibers oriented in various directions. In reality, the outer woven layer is probably the weakest. The internal layers are for the most part unidirectional and are oriented in a very specific way to give the overall structure the desired strength and ridgidity.

Here is some food for thought, Carbon Fiber is not a very tough material. It is very strng but not very tough.

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The "tightness" of the weave is so far down the list of factors that determine durability that it's laughable to worry about it.

Please, Enlighten me on the factors that I should pay most attention to...

Nothing you can see.

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NBH blades are the toughest I have used yet. I had a V2 PM9 in one of my AK27's at the beginning of the season last year. I snapped the shaft in mid Feb and swapped the blade into a Vector 6.0 shaft and played another 6 games with it. I sold the whole outfit this spring, and theguy I sold it to is still using it - the blade is still in great shape, and is pretty stiff yet too.

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were comparing a high end blade (one 90) to a mid level blade (6.0)

The 6.0 is the highest end CCM standard blade. It's not really a mid level blade... The power of NBH marketing.

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