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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior AK27 blade in a RbK Sickick

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No, it will not fit. The AK27 blade is standard hosel blade, while the 7K shaft is a tapered shaft.

What is the difference between a normal shaft and a tapered.

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Tapered shafts will get more narrow towards the blade, standard shafts are just straight to the end. There are performance boosts associated with this taper.

Do a search, there will be plenty of information for you to find on this board.


Here's pic I have of a tapered shaft next to a standard.


And the tapered shaft side shot.

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the tenon on a tapered blade is 13mm and

the tenon on a standard blade is 16mm..

The north american sickkick shaft is tapered, while the european sickkick is a standard shaft.

So if you live in Usa/Can the blade will not fit.

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Euro sickick is standard? never heard of it, nor seen it.

sickicks around here are tapered.

You live in Germany right? Perhaps you got the US/Can version.

All the sickick shaft/blades that i have seen in both Sweden and Finland are standard..

All major Swedish web stores (greatskate, tinghockey, sportewa etc) also have them listed as standard shafts..

old tps R2, old rbk 6k, 7k, old vector 10, are the only shafts sold as tapered in Sweden....

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Hmm that's pretty intresting,

I have 2 (reg) sickick taper shafts for indoor play.

Pretty tempted to buy 2 of them in the standard shaft version, so I have the exact same grip/feel. for when playing outdoors.

-Edit- just saw Stadium in sweden actually sells the taper version, weird there isn't any consistency -Edit-

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Hmm that's pretty intresting,

I have 2 (reg) sickick taper shafts for indoor play.

Pretty tempted to buy 2 of them in the standard shaft version, so I have the exact same grip/feel. for when playing outdoors.

-Edit- just saw Stadium in sweden actually sells the taper version, weird there isn't any consistency -Edit-

yes, it's very strange. I mean, stadium is one of the major sport stores in sweden, but they are not specialized in hockey gear. While greatskate who is a store specialized for hockey only sells the standard version.

The sickkick standard retails for 999SEK, while the taper version retails for 1399SEK

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