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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taking care of skates

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I just got a new pair of skates and I want them to last me a long time. Anybody have any tips about prolonging their life? So far I have been drying them off after every game and taking the footbeds out to dry.

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- take out your insoles after each skate, and try to dry out your rivets so they don't corrode right away.

- pull "out" rather than "up" when lacing, so you don't put too much undue pressure on your eyelets

- keep 'em dry as possible, and be sure not to let any rust spots form overnight, otherwise the rust will act like mold; penetrating deeper into your steel, even if you try to sharpen it away.

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depending on what skate you have i find putting toe pro on the toes of the skates help them last longer and look good to. also like everyone else said air them out an take out your insoles.

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I use a fan to dry out the skates more quickly and thoroughly, after pulling out the insoles.

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That is a good article and he gives good advice but some members, cough cough...chadd...cough cougn don't really care for his opinion on everything.

Pretty much dry them as quickly as possible after you done and pull out not up like many members have said, also don't wrap laces around the back of the boot, will break down the tendon guard.

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That is a good article and he gives good advice but some members, cough cough...chadd...cough cougn don't really care for his opinion on everything.

I skimmed the link and it seems on point. My issues with him are his "expert reviews" where he doesn't use the product for more than a few minutes or where he treats personal bias as fact.

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Add this to the above

put your thumb in the boot next to the tendon guard to take them off. DON'T use your foot or hand to push the skate off from the top of the tendon guard.

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Make sure to give the holders a good wiping in addition to the steel.

And store in a well ventilated area.

And obviously, soakers off when not in transport (or on the ice...doh!)

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I have heard the adage about not wrapping your laces and it breaking down the tenon guard. I have not laced my skates to the top for a while, and have always wrapped the laces. Now, admittedly, my tenon guards have always broken down. However... where I wrap the laces (as a result of not lacing them to the top) is a good inch below where the tenon guard meets the boot/top of the skate. I have always had CCM skates and this has always been an issue with them from what I know (as, unlike Bauer, the plastic in the spine of the heel does not go all the way to the top of the tenon guard).

I wonder if this is more problematic on the newer skates as I notice they all seem to be going with a (roughly) diamond shape at the top of the tenon guard where it meets the boot.


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I use a fan to dry out the skates more quickly and thoroughly, after pulling out the insoles.

I do this as well, a floor fan blowing straight into the skates with the insoles out and the laces loosened up.

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