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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shafts and plugs

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Im looking at getting a new shaft. I noticed alot of standard shafts (ak27, UL) are considerably shorter than tapered shafts (specifically mission hex-2 which is what im using now). Now, i realize the hosel of tapered blades is shorter than those of standard blades, yet the standard shaft is still shorter than the tapered one, even with the 3" plug.

sooooo..... anyway, would it ruine the "integrity" of the shaft by adding a longer than 3" plug? i believe it would, but i would like to get some other opinions, and maybe someone who has had a experience of this.


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you'd definitely be softening up the stick flex-wise, the longer you go with an extension. but i'm not entirely sure if it would be a real detriment to the "intergrity" of the shaft as whole. a Warrior AK27 has a been my primary twig for the past 2 months, and i haven't had any problems, being on the ice 2-3 times a week. i use a 4 inch plug, so my 100 flex is basically an 85-80.

to be on the safe side though, i wrap joint of the shaft and plug with poly-tape, to avoid the risk of any moisture getting in, and use regular tape over the poly-tape.

i think the integrity of the shaft would be suspect if you required a really stiff twig, and have problems snapping lower-flexing sticks, but as long as you don't go over 4-5 inches on the plug, i'm sure you'll be fine.

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thanks for the feedback, i will try it out

only questioning it because i want to spend $130 on a shaft and get what i pay for it, not an under-performing one because i have to substitute the shaft with a plug.

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