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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What Flex for AK27 Shaft?

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I have an Easton UltraLite shaft in 85 Flex and need a backup stick.

I choose AK27 shaft and my question is, is 85 AK27 flex the same in Easton or i´ll better go with 100 flex?

I heard AK´s are more flexier then UltraLites.

I´m more a snaper and wristler then slaper. ;) :D

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Sorry to bring up an old topic, but I might be in the market for a new shaft soon and want to keep all my options open. So, my question is: I usually use 65-70 flex sticks (which are starting to feel a little bit too whippy), are the ak27's so whippy that I might be able to use an 85 flex?


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yes, go for it.

i got a 85 flex AK and it definatly felt like a 70-75..or at least alot flexier than 85

...so when i snapped that i picked up a 100 and on the inside it reads "AK27 85 Flex"...so i guess they go flexier on purpose

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The AK27 in an 85 is a pretty whippy shaft, and more importantly I have found it to also be quite durable. I use it, along with a handful of TPS shafts for inline.

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If that's the case, that'll be my next contestant in the game of "how many shafts and sticks can I buy and sell before finding one I like." Fun game though.

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All right, thanks for the input guys. The only thing I'm worried about is that I'm not very tall (about 5'6) and I like that the intermediate sticks are shorter. With a senior ak27 it would be taller and I would have to cut it more which would make it stiffer, but I might just have to get one to try it.

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It is very possible, and I've had no problem with it. AK27 + Tapered Christian blades: Just peel the glue off, put two strips of tape on the hosel, put a lil bit of glue on there, heat it up, pop it in, let it sit for an hour, and wala, you've got yourself a stick.

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No, that's just about as stupid as it gets. Yeah, let's put a tapered blade in a standard shaft and have tape compensate for the lack-of tenon.

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It`s TPS Whip Flex similar to AK27 85 Flex?

No. The TPS whip is equivalent to about a 75 in most manufacturers flex ratings.

Yes, but some here says AK27 feel`s like 70-75 flex, right?

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