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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Who made the schedule

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Agreed. The center ice package is almost like poop now because you can only watch 1 or 2 games at a time, then the next day there is one or two games. Freakin sucks.

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Football is only in until like Jan. Then they put a game on NBC...but still...it would be nice to see multiple games on sunday night.


Even when there are games on Sundays, they are generally day games. A lot of Americans won't go on a Sunday night

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Jay Feaster made a comment about Atlanta's hellacious road trip they're starting... Atlanta's next 7 games are away at Tampa, Toronto, Nashville, Chicago, Montreal, Ottawa then back in Tampa. Their team plane is going to be like a ping pong ball.

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Retarded. If they had this stupid play 8 games against the same team but don't go to the west but once all season thing as a way to cut back on travel, they have to plan the road trips better than that!

Someone else needs to get out the calender and figure this out next year.

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There was a quick mention on HNIC that a couple teams had suggested an 84 game season. It would allow them to do a home and home with everyone and still play everyone in their own division a bunch of times.

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There was a quick mention on HNIC that a couple teams had suggested an 84 game season. It would allow them to do a home and home with everyone and still play everyone in their own division a bunch of times.

They used to have and 84 game season. I can't remember why they shortened it by 2.

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