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Bergeron out

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  Miserable said:


Pretty level headed view of the situation.

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My only issue with his commentary is this:

But Jones' hit on Bergeron was the kind of hit that gets made almost every game. Occasionally, it comes with unfortunate results.
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He seems willing to accept the frequency of these hits while I feel the league should be doing more to reduce the frequency of plays like this. A suspension on every hit, regardless of the health of the player hit, would reduce the number of checks from behind over the long term. If you can't lay the lumber on the guy in the crease anymore, why should you be able to endanger the life of another guy along the boards?

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  chippa13 said:

Interesting that there has been nothing from the league yet. I think, if anything, they'll slap him with a game or two.

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I think the Orpik comparison is perfect in this case, 2-3 games. I would prefer 5 but I know Colin Campbell is far more lenient than I am.

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Getting 2 games per TSN. Guess that's better then burning down the whole city as some Bruins fans have suggested.

2 games seems fair to me. It's pretty obvious that it wasn't intentional but you still need to be held accountable intentional or not.

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  Miserable said:

Getting 2 games per TSN. Guess that's better then burning down the whole city as some Bruins fans have suggested.

2 games seems fair to me. It's pretty obvious that it wasn't intentional but you still need to be held accountable intentional or not.

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Very few guys are trying to kill someone. He knew Bergeron was in a vulnerable position and hit him hard anyway, I'll always believe that a hit like that deserves more.

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  Chadd said:

Very few guys are trying to kill someone. He knew Bergeron was in a vulnerable position and hit him hard anyway, I'll always believe that a hit like that deserves more.

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I doubt he was trying to kill him even in the replays you can see that it was just bad timing. Not that the league always makes the right call but even they didn't think there was any intent:

(Toronto, ON) - Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Randy Jones has been suspended for two games, without pay, as a result of being assessed a game misconduct during NHL game #146 against the Boston Bruins on Oct. 27, the National Hockey League announced today.

"While it is my determination that Jones did not intend to injure his opponent, he did deliver a hard check to a player who was in a vulnerable position," said NHL Senior Executive Vice President of Hockey Operations Colin Campbell. "There have been suggestions by some that this hit was comparable to incidents earlier this season where players received significant game suspensions for blows to the head. These comparisons and suggestions are wrong," Campbell added.

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OK, this is the last I'll comment on this topic, because it's very polarizing.

But as they say, Karma's a bitch, and what goes around comes around.

Interesting bit of hypocrisy from B's fans, but I wouldn't expect anything less.

How quickly everyone forgets Bergeron 'helping' Volchenkov into the boards:

But, I'm going to save you the trouble, all B's fans will say 'He was already falling!'



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  Miserable said:
  Chadd said:

Very few guys are trying to kill someone. He knew Bergeron was in a vulnerable position and hit him hard anyway, I'll always believe that a hit like that deserves more.

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I doubt he was trying to kill him even in the replays you can see that it was just bad timing.

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I agree that there wasn't intent to injure in this case, my point was that intent shouldn't be the only factor. It was a dangerous play and he knew Bergeron was in a vulnerable position, yet hit him hard anyway. Jones had a choice and his choice was to hit a guy in a vulnerable position. He didn't intend to hurt Bergeron, but Jones did intend to hit Bergeron while he was in a dangerous position. There is a distinction to be noted, but the lack of regard for the well-being of the other player should also be a factor.

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  halfmoonyote said:

OK, this is the last I'll comment on this topic, because it's very polarizing.

But as they say, Karma's a bitch, and what goes around comes around.

Interesting bit of hypocrisy from B's fans, but I wouldn't expect anything less.

How quickly everyone forgets Bergeron 'helping' Volchenkov into the boards:

But, I'm going to save you the trouble, all B's fans will say 'He was already falling!'



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Not for nothing, but how about finding a clip of the entire play.

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  Chadd said:

I agree that there wasn't intent to injure in this case, my point was that intent shouldn't be the only factor. It was a dangerous play and he knew Bergeron was in a vulnerable position, yet hit him hard anyway. Jones had a choice and his choice was to hit a guy in a vulnerable position. He didn't intend to hurt Bergeron, but Jones did intend to hit Bergeron while he was in a dangerous position. There is a distinction to be noted, but the lack of regard for the well-being of the other player should also be a factor.

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Agreed but you have to make a living on your instincts on the ice. It's hard to stop and consider the other player's position when you have been taught to finish your check from day one. Things happen so fast that you don't have time to think. Jones shouldn't have hit him from behind but Bergeron shouldn't have been so low either. I think both players are at fault here to a certain degree.

Giving Jones 2 games does suggest that there was more then intent considered and I'm fine with that.

My main issue with the whole thing is that people are making this hit their platform for eliminating cheap shots when this hit was more circumstances then anything else. There are a ton of blatant cheap shots to use as examples so far this season. To label Jones a goon and call for Philly to loose draft picks or cash over this is ridiculous.

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  Miserable said:
  Chadd said:

I agree that there wasn't intent to injure in this case, my point was that intent shouldn't be the only factor. It was a dangerous play and he knew Bergeron was in a vulnerable position, yet hit him hard anyway. Jones had a choice and his choice was to hit a guy in a vulnerable position. He didn't intend to hurt Bergeron, but Jones did intend to hit Bergeron while he was in a dangerous position. There is a distinction to be noted, but the lack of regard for the well-being of the other player should also be a factor.

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Agreed but you have to make a living on your instincts on the ice. It's hard to stop and consider the other player's position when you have been taught to finish your check from day one. Things happen so fast that you don't have time to think. Jones shouldn't have hit him from behind but Bergeron shouldn't have been so low either. I think both players are at fault here to a certain degree.

Giving Jones 2 games does suggest that there was more then intent considered and I'm fine with that.

My main issue with the whole thing is that people are making this hit their platform for eliminating cheap shots when this hit was more circumstances then anything else. There are a ton of blatant cheap shots to use as examples so far this season. To label Jones a goon and call for Philly to loose draft picks or cash over this is ridiculous.

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Now I know you can't be serious. Jones didn't have time to think? He was staring at Bergeron's name and number. Instinct 101, you don't hit a guy then.

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  Miserable said:

"There have been suggestions by some that this hit was comparable to incidents earlier this season where players received significant game suspensions for blows to the head. These comparisons and suggestions are wrong," Campbell added.

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Haha...nice quote, don't bother providing any explanation or anything to back up your point, just saying it's 'wrong' is good enough.

Downie gets 20 games, Jones gets 2. Another case of the NHL being completely inconsistent in how they police the game.

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  chippa13 said:

Now I know you can't be serious. Jones didn't have time to think? He was staring at Bergeron's name and number. Instinct 101, you don't hit a guy then.

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Right and he skated as hard as he could, jumped 50 feet in the air and nailed him. I believe Downie threw a soda at him from the stands afterwards as well.

Jones took his man out like he should have. The damage done was a result of Bergeron's positioning, if he had stood straight up and moved off to the left, it would have been a normal hit without incident.

Was it a hit from behind? Yes. Does he deserve to sit out? Yes. But to suggest that he lined him up with the intent to injure him is stupid.

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  chippa13 said:

Not for nothing, but how about finding a clip of the entire play.

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Um, not for nothing chief...but, what does it matter? It doesnt. K, thanks.

The point is, Bergeron is guilty of the same stuff, so stop acting like the Flyers should be removed as a franchise from the league. How old are you? 13?

Using your same outstanding logic, then - why wasn't Perezghovin fined and/or suspended for essentially ending Keith Primeau's career with an elbow to the head? Are Flyers fans whining about it? No.

Why wasn't Jay Bowmeester fined and/or suspended for elbowing Simon Gagne in the chin last week, consequently concussing Gagne, consequently costing Simon the last 2 games. Are Flyers fans whining about it? No.

Anyway, speaking to the league's hypocrisy, I thought this would be an interesting view:

0 game suspension:

20 game suspension:

3 game suspension:

25 game suspension:

0 game suspension:

2 game suspension:

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  Miserable said:
  chippa13 said:

Now I know you can't be serious. Jones didn't have time to think? He was staring at Bergeron's name and number. Instinct 101, you don't hit a guy then.

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Right and he skated as hard as he could, jumped 50 feet in the air and nailed him. I believe Downie threw a soda at him from the stands afterwards as well.

Jones took his man out like he should have. The damage done was a result of Bergeron's positioning, if he had stood straight up and moved off to the left, it would have been a normal hit without incident.

Was it a hit from behind? Yes. Does he deserve to sit out? Yes. But to suggest that he lined him up with the intent to injure him is stupid.

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I never said there was an intent to injure, merely that Jones had plenty of time to think and hold up on the hit. Is Jones your cousin or something?

Um, not for nothing chief...but, what does it matter? It doesnt. K, thanks.

The point is, Bergeron is guilty of the same stuff, so stop acting like the Flyers should be removed as a franchise from the league. How old are you? 13?

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It matters a whole lot since I seem to recall that Bergeron was trying to hit Volchenkov shoulder to shoulder but at the last moment Volchenkov started going down. Now, a longer replay which showed the time leading up to the actual hit would show whether or not that recollection is correct.

I don't recall ever calling for the Flyers to be removed from the league or anything even remotely similar to that.

If there is a piece of advice that I can give you, it is this: Read more, type less.

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  chippa13 said:

If there is a piece of advice that I can give you, it is this: Read more, type less.

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Thanks brother. That advice means quite a bit coming from you. The hockey wisdom you impart is nothing short of stellar. You've managed to bring your worthless post count up to 2266 now with that last golden nugget.

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  halfmoonyote said:
  chippa13 said:

If there is a piece of advice that I can give you, it is this: Read more, type less.

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Thanks brother. That advice means quite a bit coming from you. The hockey wisdom you impart is nothing short of stellar. You've managed to bring your worthless post count up to 2266 now with that last golden nugget.

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Wow, zinger. You writing for Letterman now?

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well, we can all agree to disagree... but the one thing I think we can all agree on, is that seeing something like that is the absolute worst. I happened to be AT the game, and I'd have to say it's pretty scary. Slice it anyway you'd like, but hits like that just need to stop...

as far as 'poo-pooing' about previous hits... feel free to look up another offering of the clip on YouTube (

), the guys actually state that it's just like a hit Volchenkov threw on a Florida player earlier in the week..... yes Bergeron was in a prone position being a good 6-8 inches shorter to stop, but it just pretty poor decision making on Jones' part.. thhe follow through with the forearm is pretty nasty...

I think the classy Flyers fans cheering the hit was more upsetting than the play itself though.

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  halfmoonyote said:

0 game suspension:

20 game suspension:

3 game suspension:

25 game suspension:

0 game suspension:

2 game suspension:

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If anything, the difference in suspension time means that the league is getting better (more strict) at giving the appropriate suspension for these dirty hits. Sure, it may be hypocritical compared to past infractions, but the increase in suspension time is for the better, and we (should) all agree on that. The NHL has always needed to hand out larger suspensions and it looks like they're finally doing it, or at least making a step in the right direction.

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  sabre09923 said:
  halfmoonyote said:

0 game suspension:

2 game suspension:

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If anything, the difference in suspension time means that the league is getting better (more strict) at giving the appropriate suspension for these dirty hits. Sure, it may be hypocritical compared to past infractions, but the increase in suspension time is for the better, and we (should) all agree on that. The NHL has always needed to hand out larger suspensions and it looks like they're finally doing it, or at least making a step in the right direction.

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The Volchenkov - Booth hit is a perfect example of a guy turning into a hit. As much as I'm a hardliner on suspensions, I don't think that hit deserves a suspension. I have no problem with a major and game for the hit, I just don't think a suspension is warranted in that case.

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i would like to see the stats, but i am willing to bet that these kind of checks cause the most injuries. blaming the guy that gets hurt only goes so far. in the old west you did not shoot a guy in the back. if our game is supposed to be played with honor- don't hit a guy in the back!

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  Chadd said:
  sabre09923 said:
  halfmoonyote said:

0 game suspension:

2 game suspension:

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If anything, the difference in suspension time means that the league is getting better (more strict) at giving the appropriate suspension for these dirty hits. Sure, it may be hypocritical compared to past infractions, but the increase in suspension time is for the better, and we (should) all agree on that. The NHL has always needed to hand out larger suspensions and it looks like they're finally doing it, or at least making a step in the right direction.

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The Volchenkov - Booth hit is a perfect example of a guy turning into a hit. As much as I'm a hardliner on suspensions, I don't think that hit deserves a suspension. I have no problem with a major and game for the hit, I just don't think a suspension is warranted in that case.

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Agreed on the Volchenkov play. The Armstrong play as well didn't deserve anything, either.

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The Volchenkov hit was unavoidable the player was turning as he went to hit him. It would be impossible to let up on that hit.

With the Jones hit, the player had his back to him the whole play. He should not have hit him. The NHL needs to start enforcing the checking from behind rule. Even if Bergeron had not been against the boards, Jones still hit him from behind.

You can usually tell by the players reaction on the ice if the hit was dirty or not.

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