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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New HNIC format

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Am I the only one who doesn't like it? I know it was worse than usual tonight because of PJ Stock(no need to say more on that), but it's really slow and seems forced other weeks as well.

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It is what they call a "work in progress." It is better than out of town newspaper/media guys speculating on innuendo and rumors. That is what the internet is for.

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I'm not noticing much different... What changed? The sounds are a bit weird for the LA announcers, maybe the crowd is just too quiet, you can hear everything happening on the ice.

On a side note, who are these guys singing the anthems at the LA-Edm game? Sounds like their timing is all off.

The orange elbow patch on the Oil jerseys still make me want to slap them.

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It is what they call a "work in progress." It is better than out of town newspaper/media guys speculating on innuendo and rumors. That is what the internet is for.

I thought it was for slandering people anonymously.

/Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back reference

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Am I the only one who doesn't like it? I know it was worse than usual tonight because of PJ Stock(no need to say more on that), but it's really slow and seems forced other weeks as well.

I've seen PJ Stock on other shows, and he is usually pretty good...but, yeah...what I saw of him tonight was pretty bad.

I liked the old Hot Stove...rather than the guys around the coffee table look they are giving it now.

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looks like PJ's being a bit too politically correct, whereas any journalist would have actually called the rangers' defensive what it is.

i kinda like the new format. id rather have burke and stock then 3 journalists whose opinions i can read online.

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Am I the only one who doesn't like it? I know it was worse than usual tonight because of PJ Stock(no need to say more on that), but it's really slow and seems forced other weeks as well.

I've seen PJ Stock on other shows, and he is usually pretty good...but, yeah...what I saw of him tonight was pretty bad.

I liked the old Hot Stove...rather than the guys around the coffee table look they are giving it now.

I have yet to see him look halfway decent on TV and his blog was terrible.

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any idea why cherry does do every intermission, a pregame, and postgame?

ide watch hours of him, even when his eyes are welling up talking about cops, armed forces, firemen etc

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Am I the only one who doesn't like it? I know it was worse than usual tonight because of PJ Stock(no need to say more on that), but it's really slow and seems forced other weeks as well.

I've seen PJ Stock on other shows, and he is usually pretty good...but, yeah...what I saw of him tonight was pretty bad.

I liked the old Hot Stove...rather than the guys around the coffee table look they are giving it now.

I have yet to see him look halfway decent on TV and his blog was terrible.

Whenever I've seen him it's on Off the Record...so it's not quite as formal a setting...maybe that is why he seems more comfortable.

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Burke and Mellanby were a good duo; well-spoken and knowledegable.

The one who's consistently surprising me is Cassie Campbell. She's a fairly competent interviewer, but she'll sometimes get great responses out of the players.

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