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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Staph infection

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I know a kid who caught himself a case of MRSA just this past week. It started off as what looked like a little sore on his foot - kinda pimple-ish. Well, he popped the "pimple" and the thing has not stopped oozing pus - and has grown to the size of a quarter. Pretty nasty shit. Aside from some local (foot and lower-leg) pain, he's in good shape. He's on some anti-biotics now which are supposed to have him cleared-up in a couple weeks.

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We've been aware of MRSA in the medical community for quite a while. It's interesting that it's just now becoming such a craze in the mainstream press.

that's what I've been wondering... people are acting like its the plague. this things been around since the fricken 60's

Yes, it has existed, but its frequency of infecting people hasn't been this high. Every school around here is sending out flyers and giving them to students, as well as athletic programs. I don't think that is just from the "media" trying to implement fear on us.

Not necessarily. Cases are just being reported more often as it becomes easier to recognize MRSA.

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I know a kid who caught himself a case of MRSA just this past week. It started off as what looked like a little sore on his foot - kinda pimple-ish. Well, he popped the "pimple" and the thing has not stopped oozing pus - and has grown to the size of a quarter. Pretty nasty shit. Aside from some local (foot and lower-leg) pain, he's in good shape. He's on some anti-biotics now which are supposed to have him cleared-up in a couple weeks.

A week after a stick to the face, I had the same thing. Mine turned out to be ringworm. NASTY!

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I have it right now, well actually just finishing up my antibiotics. It was a bitch, had to miss a week of classes, and I wont be going back to hockey until all my open lesions are healed.

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I had it last year. Three HUGE boils came up on my arm and my trainer( we didn't know it was staph at the time, just some zits ) decided to pop them. The result was it spreading and me almost loosing my arm from the elbow down. :ph34r: However I got a specail cream and missed any hospital time. I have three craters on my arm from where they were last year. They feel like hollow pockets in my flesh with just skin covering it.

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I have it right now, well actually just finishing up my antibiotics. It was a bitch, had to miss a week of classes, and I wont be going back to hockey until all my open lesions are healed.

you had MRSA or just a staph infection?

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What would be nuts would be if it became resistant to vancomycin anytime in the near future. Then it would time to raise the pucker factor a little bit.


kids, this is why personal hygiene is important...

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