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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tall mans troubles

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Ok..heres the deal. Ive got to get a new pair of pants. My M-2's (large) have lasted a while but now they are about shot. I am in the position of getting either RBK, easton, CCM, or NBH pants (preferably high end). The only trouble is that the shop that I work at doesnt have ANYTHING in a size large or xl to try on.

I am about 6'3" / 35in waist. I like my pants kind of long (im a d-man and get in front of shots). I have tried on the Supreme 70's (large) and they were WAY too short but seemed to fit in the waist. Does anyone have opinions as to what pants offer some decent length from the hipbelt down to the leg opening. Im open to sizing suggestions as well as brand and model suggestions. Would an xl in the supreme 70s be the way to go (ie buy me the length I need) or would they be too big in the waist? Maybe another company is the way to go?

Thanks for the help

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Have the manager call and open an account with tackla (montreal in the US) and get the "long" pants in the waist size that you need.

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Thanks for the help guys...unfortunately i dont think opening a new account is going to happen (we have a fairly tight budget right now until the stock we have clears out some). I did used to have a pair of prostock Tackla's and I loved them (infact, my dad now wears them for his adult league, after like 10 years) but i just dont see our manager opening an account just on my behalf. Besides, im not sure about the Employee Purchase Program (if they even have one) for Tackla/Montreal. Thats really the only way im going to be able to afford these suckers. But seriously, thank you for the opinions and suggestions, as they are certainly valid.

B-Nads - I actually was leaning to the side of some Easton pants (probably the S9's) I called to another proshop yesterday and had the guy do a side by side comparison of leg length between companies and found that the Easton pants do offer a little more leg length (this is assuming that the guy I was talking to on the phone wasnt a complete moron and was comparing from the hipbelt down, and not from the top of the pant to the bottom of the pant). You mentioned the Synergy series, but are you (or anyone else on here) familiar with the Synergy to Stealth comparison? Do they fit pretty much the same (lengthwise). All we have in-store are the stealth 1's and those are pretty junky and im almost certain the S9's will fit nothing like them (due to the added padding).

Once again, thanks

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Check out the CAN Tackla 9000 ACS. Fantastic pant. You would need, with a 35" waist, a 52 with a +2 length. I had the same issue, and loved the +2 length. It is worth the extra $$$ for the protection above the knee.

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Your best option is tackla. It's worth a shot to see if they can open up an account with montreal or possibly you just look to bite the bullet and buy elseware. My LHS has an account with Montreal but doesn't actively sell anything from the shop(Graf too), but they keep the account so if someone wants or needs something from the companies they can order from them.

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