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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Mission Roller website

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Throwing your glove at the goalie is old news and Im pretty suprised he did it with such a crowd. I think its a dick move that little kids pull.

The second one however is pretty amazing.

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That first move I see too many of the 14U's doing that during game play while I am reffing....complete BS move. That second move....never seen anything like that one. That is one sick azz move!!

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Not old news. The site went live yesterday. Please post your comments and feedbback here if possible. Any and all comments are welcome.



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I'd have to agree, throwing the glove is kinda lame. However, the one-handed backhand shot was still rather impressive. Probably, would have been better without the glove throw. Also, the second move is absolutely amazing. WOW!

EDIT: The site looks good. Much easier to navigate than last years. I love all the new features ie player cards, wallpapers, move of the month, etc

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site looks pretty good.

that 2nd move was nuts.

also, diggin the music player, a few good tunes on there haah. well, except nickleback.eww.

but the new kanye track is niiiiiice

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Hey Sean, the site looks great. Like the (mafia) family feeling. But, please, leave the music out. I hate sites which automatically play music. Even if I play the 'Move of the Month' the music plays on. Just my opinion of course. I also liked how the old site (2 yrs ago) introduced the Mission employees.

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The song will play automatically until you launch the music player. You then have complete control of the music and 12 songs to choose from.

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The song will play automatically until you launch the music player. You then have complete control of the music and 12 songs to choose from.

Looks great. I am in agreement with making the songs optional. The skates look absolutely amazing. My local hockey shop had sample pairs to check out. Love the assassins.....

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I have to say the site is pretty good, but automatically starting music on any site that isn't a band website is probably the #1 pet peeve of people who browse the internet.

I would be willing to bet that for every 1 guy who likes having it playing there are 3 that get annoyed by it. Make it so you can hit play to start the music, not that you have to hit stop and launch a player to stop the music.

Just my 2 cents from a hockey guy who builds websites.

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That site is pretty sweet, I am generally not a fan of flash based websites but this is pretty well done. Minus the music of course.

About the move of the month, not sure who that is but it is a few years old. That is from the 2005 Narch nationals in Cincinnati, OH.

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i just wanna clarify, i was diggin on the music because some of it was good music :)

but it playing automatically is pretty annoying.

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Kukakid, isn't that the Sportsplex? I can't remember the exact name but I remember playing there and they have something like 2 ice rinks, 1 roller rink, and a huge arcade? If so, that place is pretty nice, the ice isn't bad and the roller rink looked real nice.

This was also a couple years ago though so it might have changed. Also the LHS/ProShop was pretty good.

As far as the site, I like it, I don't really care about the music as long as the site is easy to navigate and looks good. Those moves though, the first one the throwing the glove just ruined it but the 2nd move, I can't even say anything because that is just ridiculous.

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The rink is called Sports Plus. They have 2 ice rinks, 1 inline rink, arcade, basketball, a bunch of other crap. It's pretty nice, much better than anything else in Cincinnati for sure.

The proshop is good, they just don't have a whole lot of inline stuff. And for some reason they still don't have Warrior stuff in stock!

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Sports Plus, thats it!

Yeah, when I was there the last time they were blowing out like the whole store. It is indeed a nice rink, don't have any good memories coming from it as we lost the Buckeye League Championship to the Cincinnati JR. Cyclones.

O'Well, still a nice rink and pro shop non-the-less. Thanks for the help, I thought it looked familiar in the video but I couldn't remember the name.

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The rink is called Sports Plus. They have 2 ice rinks, 1 inline rink, arcade, basketball, a bunch of other crap. It's pretty nice, much better than anything else in Cincinnati for sure.

The proshop is good, they just don't have a whole lot of inline stuff. And for some reason they still don't have Warrior stuff in stock!

there's many stores that wont carry warrior.

warrior is VERY selective with who they sell to.

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