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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 5000 - RBK 8k

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I would go in and try them both on. It really depends on your head which helmet will fit you better. I ended up buying a NBH 5500 over a Rbk 6k helmet. It just fit better.

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Well Ive got a Bauer 5000 right now, and im looking to update so I know my 5000 fits :P Im just thinking about grabbing a new helmet in the 8k

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I agree with wullymc. You have to try them on. The 8k fits wider heads. I where a 5000 medium as well and I can't fit the 8K at all in any size. The CCM Vector medium is closer to the 5000/5500 than the 8K.

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Thanks I may just go in and try it on :) I always had problems with the CCM helmets crushed my head from the sides

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That's a very common problem with CCM helmets. Although I'm a mostly THC guy I still like the fit of the Bauer helmets bettter. I find the cushioning better and it lasts a lot longer over time.

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You definately need to try the helmets on. I have used a Bauer 8500 and RBK 8k and just like the fit, looks and weight of the RBK8k better in my case - although both helmets fit in a large size. I tried the Mission Intake and it just didn't fit me at all.

I guess we all have a different shaped noggin and nothing beats trying the helmets on. I'm sticking with the 8k

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