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Strange looking TPS shaft?

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Hey guys!

Just came back from Finland where i picked up a very strange TPS shaft..

The shaft is All black, with no graphics what so ever, has a grippy rubberish surface and accepts standard blades. Its fairly light and have a nice pop on shots

How do i know it's a tps shaft?

It has www.tpshockey.com CS3 printed very small at the top of the shaft.

I know the cs3 is the code for a certain shaft model, but which.

My digital camera got stolen from my car last week, so i cannot take any pictures.

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Is it a TPS Rubber with the logos taken off? That's got a grippy, rubberish surface, takes standard blades, and is black.

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yeah the TPS Rubber shaft would be by best guess, is it new or used?

it's brand new.. the store had a whole barrel of them.. They also carried some noname ops, similar to those blue, grey and black ones hockeyworld has.

It doesn't look like the logos has been taken off. The shaft is just all black.. It's not sticky at all just rubberish. The shaft has rounded edges, kinda like CCM's ©ontoured shafts.

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I've been scouring all sites I may have checked out for gear but I swear I saw some place selling a Rubber shaft that didn't look like the previous two models.

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I'd say without logos on it, it is either a overrun/pro stick or a knock off of the Rubber shaft.

As for the ones Hockeyworld has, those are re-painted overruns from various companies (at least the "famous brand" and the "winnwell" ones are).

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Hey guys!

Just came back from Finland where i picked up a very strange TPS shaft..

The shaft is All black, with no graphics what so ever, has a grippy rubberish surface and accepts standard blades. Its fairly light and have a nice pop on shots

How do i know it's a tps shaft?

It has www.tpshockey.com CS3 printed very small at the top of the shaft.

I know the cs3 is the code for a certain shaft model, but which.

My digital camera got stolen from my car last week, so i cannot take any pictures.

A search on CS3 turns up some Genesis shafts but only on Euro websites. It's most likely a new European SMU.

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