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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is this the year when kids tape their stick like Staal?

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Why give a shit?

because I'm curious about the commerical.

And NO, i am not a fan boy, i'm an oilers fan, so guess what that means.

And aparrently there is nothing special bout how he tapes his stick, what the deuce.

Stupid commercial

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It's Miller that says "Is this the year kids start taking their sticks like Staal?'

then it cuts to a shot of Staal holding his stick to the camera

I still don't get it either

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It's Miller that says "Is this the year kids start taking their sticks like Staal?'

then it cuts to a shot of Staal holding his stick to the camera

I still don't get it either

...TAPES his stick...TAPES...not TAKES.

...Takes his coffee would make sense...not TAKE his sticks.

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I think commercial actually says "Is this the year kids starting to take their sticks like Staal?" So how does he take his stick?

Hopefully not in the same orifice that you clearly do.

Sorry, but I couldn't help myself. Please read what you posted and ask yourself if it made ANY sense whatsoever.

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I hear Miller saying TAKING not taping. Maybe I need to get my hearing checked? Come on no need to be mean here and start name calling (or I'll get my profanity dictionary and start going down the list from A to Z)

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