hotsauce 0 Report post Posted November 27, 2007 you should have done it again for the crosscheck at the head because that was disrespectful... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BMcDonald19 0 Report post Posted November 27, 2007 if you can pull it off.... then do it. i see no harm it that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buzz_LightBeer 972 Report post Posted November 28, 2007 except the harm you'll have coming to you.if you can pull it off... better be ready for retaliation Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBert 0 Report post Posted November 28, 2007 If you can pull it off, kudos to you. But it is showing off. So don't be surprised if the other team respond accordingly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N!! 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2007 I guess the mentality defending dangerous acts over something so dumb is that same that prevails when it comes to watching 7-year-olds crosschecking each other after a whistle because an opponent got within 10 feet of the goalie.To me, there's nothing in the game of hockey that warrants a crosscheck to the head unless it's legitimate self-defense. I'll come clean by admitting that I butt-ended a guy pretty brutally during a game once, but that was after he ran two of my teammates from behind and was making me his next target. I warned him after the second one that he could take me next but he wouldn't like the end result. Two shifts later, I'm four feet away from and facing the boards, and I hear that distinctive sound at high speed. I checked over the shoulder, verified who it was, and since he was too close I slid my left hand down the shaft about six inches. When he returned to action six weeks later, we had no problems. But I digress.I can't stand watching the NBA because there's so much whining over absolutely nothing, which usually goes into the "he disrespected this or that" bin. Baseball is the same way, what with throwing four-seamers at a guy's head because he had the gall to get a hit in the prior at-bat. Parts of hockey have the same effect, because mostly it's just dumb. Why is there a scrum in front of the net every time a goalie freezes the puck? Why is crosschecking a guy in the back when he's within a mile of the net preferred to simply using the stick for leverage and steering him away? What makes it worse is when it happens in every single beer league and trickles into youth hockey. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chk hrd 164 Report post Posted November 29, 2007 one of the problems with sports is that people have lost respect for the game, themselves, thier team mates, etc. There is no reason to try to add insult to injury if you are blowing another team out. There is a time and place for everything. If you want to try a stupid move, do it during practice or all star game, not in a real game were tempers are on edge. If you do do something stupid you need to be ready to take the consequences for your actions. I guess it boils down to personal responsibility. A butt end can be just as bad or worse than a cross check, if you saw him coming why not dodge the check and then discuss it one on one. Sounds like you hurt him pretty bad if he was gone for six weeks. He disrespected the game and your teammate by taking runs at them. If the first guy he ran would have had a heart to heart chat with him he probably wouldn't have run the secod guy or you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N!! 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2007 one of the problems with sports is that people have lost respect for the game, themselves, thier team mates, etc. There is no reason to try to add insult to injury if you are blowing another team out. There is a time and place for everything. If you want to try a stupid move, do it during practice or all star game, not in a real game were tempers are on edge. If you do do something stupid you need to be ready to take the consequences for your actions. I guess it boils down to personal responsibility. A butt end can be just as bad or worse than a cross check, if you saw him coming why not dodge the check and then discuss it one on one. Sounds like you hurt him pretty bad if he was gone for six weeks. He disrespected the game and your teammate by taking runs at them. If the first guy he ran would have had a heart to heart chat with him he probably wouldn't have run the secod guy or you.I was 14 at the time and, as most parents of 14-year-olds can testify to, knew much less than I thought I knew. If the same thing happened today, you'd better believe I'd have handled it differently. I'm not defending what I did, nor would I encourage the same thing on the part of anyone, but I felt it necessary to at least come clean on that before going off on one of my "respect the game" rants.I 'unno, maybe it's just me but I think that responding to a little bit of hot-dogging or harmless fun with something that is intended to cause bodily harm disrespects the game much more than anything else. No one in America cares about hotdogging in hockey, but all it took was McSorley or Brashear doing something stupid to drag the perception of the game back into the Stone Age. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted November 29, 2007 To answer the OP: The Michigan is always a douche move. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sweetblazer 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2007 I think its retarted to say the move is disrespectful in a normal closer game. Obviously its not respectful in a blowout, but its exactly like dangling the goalie with a datsyuk in a 3-2 game. Its a way to score, it has nothing to do with how you do it. I feel like the saying "it doesn't matter how pretty, they all count" holds true. If you think its disrespectful to do it in a tight game if you know its your best chance to score, then you have never played in competetive enough league. Put it this way, game 7, OT, Stanley cup finals. You know you can pull it everytime, you get a perfect oppurtunity wher you know you can score, if you say you don't do it, you are not a hockey player. Thats my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted November 29, 2007 If a team lets someone pull that in a close, presumably competitive game then that person should feel bad for being in a close game with said team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites