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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin Pads causing skate breakdown?

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Ok so here's the deal. Ive had my vapor xxx's for about 2 years now and im getting xxxx's soon and in the last 5 months ive been trying skating with tounges out which i now find more comfortable but the problem is that the inner lineing stitching is falling off and the lineing is starting to rip off the top of the boot. Im just wondering if this could be the result of wearing my skates tounges out or if it is just the fact that they are getting old. Is there any solutions for this problem ( smaller shin pads, narrower shin pads,ect.) BTW I am wearing 15" rbk 5k shins. I just dont want to have the same problem with my xxxx's quickly if the shins are the problem as i can always try a size down.

If there is any confusion about where the problem is just let me know and ill post some pictures of where it is falling apart.


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Your skates are almost two years old and your obviously replacing them soon so they are getting worn out and breaking down. That's not a bad life span for a set of skates today. If you can hang in there until you get your new skates I'd do that rather than shell out for a new set of shins. If you haven't had any fitting issues then there no use in changing anything.

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I wear 15" Jofas under my Vector 6 skates, tongues out. Nothing wrong with the tongues after a year, my pads end about an inch before the top of the ankle of the skate.

Are your shins causing you to lace your skate any differently? They may hve been too long for you such that your flex was inhibited by the bottom biting the top of the skate, and now that the shin's on the other side you're still getting the movement of the shin rubbing, but it's going inside your skate instead of stopping on the top.

Definitely take pics- both tucked and not, and both standing and flexing forward (4 total) to see how the two mesh together.

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ok heres a few pics of where the problem is. Im thinking that my shins might be too big because when i bought them i was planning on wearing them over top of my tongues. BTW duch i am just trying to find out if the shin pads are the problem because I dont want the same to happen to my xxxx's when i get them.

Pic 1

Pic 2

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Usually you see this problem with people who wear their tongues inside their shins, so the shin rubs against the boot. Shins can definatly wear away the top of the skate a little over time and vice versa. Was the breakdown happening before you went tongues out? Also are your shin pads showing any wear?

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It mostly showed after going tongues out but the fact that my skates were at the end of their life i was just wondering if it was the only reason that the breakdown was happening or the fact that they were getting old was the reason. I have got my xxxx's and decided to stick to the tongues in just to be safe (in my mind anyways) and see what happens. Thanks for the replies

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i wear the tongues out of my shins and i have the same problem

but i really dont mind it, because i skip the top eyelett when lacing and it doesn't affect my skating as far as i notice

(by the way using rbk 4k 15inches)

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I had this issue start when wearing my shins outside. This was caused by using a shin pad that was too short, thus rubbing against the top of the skate. I went to a 17" shin and put some duct tape on the inside of the boot over the top eyelet and it went away. I have seen this on both my XXXXs and my Vector 10s.

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