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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme One70 steel broke

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I have 2 quick questions...

1. I just broke another (3rd) steel blade on my supreme70 skates, there about a year old, do you think NBH will do anything about it if i call?

2. My roller boot (Mission He550) are pretty comfortable is it possible to put a TUK Ls2 on that type of boot?

Thanks in advance

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1st. Be more clear, your skates are a year old, or the steel?

2nd. I dont play rocker hockey, but I would think roller skates are rather soft when compared to ice skates and taking a puck the wrong way could hurt, but it could probably be done if you really wanted it.


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1st. Be more clear, your skates are a year old, or the steel?

2nd. I dont play rocker hockey, but I would think roller skates are rather soft when compared to ice skates and taking a puck the wrong way could hurt, but it could probably be done if you really wanted it.


The skates are a year old, the steel that broke was only 2 months old

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You could try and contact NBH, never know what could happen. How did they break?

1st time i dont even know how they broke, i was skating and looked down, and the front half of my blade was gone. 2nd time it broke while getting checked into the boards, third was a puck to the blade

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Sounds pretty captacular other than the puck to the blade. Talk to your LHS and NBH....see what they say, I doubt they will do anything for puck to the blade.


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Three times in a year makes me wonder if there is an alignment issue with the holder putting an excessive amount of force on your steel.

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I believe blade replacements carry a warranty. Not sure if your most current pair was a warranty replacement or not but if so talk to your shop.

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Is the one70 some sort of SMU?

There's got to be more to these runner breakages than just the LS2P holder. It seems like some break 2-4 a year and some have no issues and it's across almost all levels of play.

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all i know is i didnt want to take that chance, played one game and noticed a small chip in the blade after the first shift. switched out the holder/runner right away.

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