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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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- I can feel the edges A MILLION times better. It's the difference between a Cadillac and a BMW M3. The Caddy feel cushy and soft, but rolls in the turns. The M3 makes you feel every little imperfection, but it's got more control in the turns. As a result, I found my edges much easier and immediately had better crossover and turning control.

Very well put, my thoughts exactly. The biggest benefit I get from my SFs are the improvement in my skating and control.

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I got some non-thermoformable Sidas insoles when I bought my Graf 735s. The salesman was nice enough to grab a set from a higher end boot for me. I really love the skates, but I have been experiencing pain in the arch. I swapped my Superfeet back in, and I hope this solves the problem. The Graf insoles seem very stiff and high arched to me. I never had the same feeling in the Superfeet, so I'll hope for the best.

I have been having the same problem. I'm looking for a LHS that sells superfeet or another insole type let me know how they work out.

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I skated at my son's practice today with the Superfeet instead of the Sidas insoles. the Superfeet felt better, almost no arch pain at all. I'll keep you posted when I actually get some game use. We're off til next week, so we'll see.

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i have skated with superfeet for like 3 years now... love them, anyone with pain in the arch of the foot, or problems with pronation(arches falling in) they make a huge difference

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Quick update, skated in "regular" cotton socks (actually Under Armour ones), that took care of the volume problem. There was a little pain in my right foot, but not as much as before. I did notice some loss of feel, but still had better feel and as a result better turns and crossovers than before with the thick insoles.

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Just want to point out that this is just an approximate test. What this test doesn't account for is foot flexibility.

For example, my wife has a high, well-defined arch shape. But her feet are very flexible and flatten and pronate upon weight-loading. So she still suffers from some common ailments that are usually related to flat feet.

The terms high/low arch and flat feet are used very loosely. The true diagnosis would involve knowing both the neutral position of you feet, and how much they pronate on weight-loading. Our ortho was very quick to point this out.

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Jarick, you solved my problem as well. I had switched to Oxysocks recently, and I wrongly associated the pain in my arch with the Sidas insoles. I had reported switching back to the Superfeet, and it worked a little better.

Tonight my arches were aching, so I went to the dressing room and took off the Oxysocks. Problem solved. These socks are just thick enough to cause a problem.

I guess the Graf 735s are barely enough volume for my puppies. Oh well, I'll just get some thin socks! They felt great barefoot, but I don't to make a habit of that.

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Here's my new question. Which is better for flat feet, Superfeet or stock Sidas insoles?

I've bought superfeet as people recommmended. I have high arches, and it supports that. I don't know anything about Sidas, but Superfeet seems more for high arches.

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I believe Superfeet has a black insert for flat footed people.

After a few more skates, it's working great. Lost some feel with the regular socks, but the pain is a lot less. Still can't get quite comfortable as it either feels too loose in the heel or too tight near the toes.

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i thought i would just post this question here instead of starting a new thread. i tried searching for something to answer my question but couldn't find anything.

I had a game yesterday and ended up playing more and longer shifts then usual and started noticing a pain on the outside bottom of my left foot. It felt like there was a pressure point sort of like the arch was to high for my foot. Would changing my insoles help or does anyone have any other suggestions.

btw I have ONE90's.



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What Color superfeet are you using? I was looking at the shock doctor Ultra 2 anyone use thoose? Is there a significant differnce in the gray superfeet and black etc.. I have a flat feet. The only local store (sport chalet) has the superfeet but no gray to try. They do have orange, black, green etc..

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The Superfeet Grey and (I believe) the Black are the only ones built with a raised heel, so they're the only ones that match the last of a hockey skate.

They aren't perfect, but they're a pretty good substitute for a thousand-dollar custom skate/orthotic combination.

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The Superfeet Grey and (I believe) the Black are the only ones built with a raised heel, so they're the only ones that match the last of a hockey skate.

They aren't perfect, but they're a pretty good substitute for a thousand-dollar custom skate/orthotic combination.

Thanks Ill try the Black tonight since no one sells the gray in town and I do not want to order just in case I hate them. I am actually looking to get a little heel raise too... my Tacks chassis feel way different than my old TUUKs, I think a little heel raise may help.

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I didn't like the Superfeet. They felt to thick and messed with the volume of the skate so I just changed back to the thin stock insoles. Personal preference.

Old topic but I'm glad I'm not alone - with Superfeets I fail pencil test on my XXXX, put pass it witout

more importantly 3mm heel lift as insignificant as it might sound pushes my heel high enough so that it'd not get properly locked by the padding (foam) inside of the boot - there's a nice cushion that normally just totally wraps & locks the heal with regular insoles - but not with superfeets.

Superfeets also didn't make much difference lenght wise (at least in my case) especially because I couldn't lace even semi-tight to compensate for the lost volume.

Did anybody else with XXXX had the same experience? {I have low arch, but thick feet)

TBLFan - do you use superfeets?

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Superfeet Grey's all but eliminated my sesamoiditis. It's been a problem in my left foot for ever. I wish they were a tad wider though...

well - I never had these issues, so the only reason I even tried superfeets was to see what the fuzz was all about...

for me it didn't work out.

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What Color superfeet are you using? I was looking at the shock doctor Ultra 2 anyone use thoose? Is there a significant differnce in the gray superfeet and black etc.. I have a flat feet. The only local store (sport chalet) has the superfeet but no gray to try. They do have orange, black, green etc..

I recently ordered both some grey superfeet and these (http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/descpage.html?PCODE=SDFB) and tried them both out. I found the Shock Doctors did a much better job at dealing with pressure points in the middle and front of your foot. They have made my skate much more comfortable and responsive. I would reccomend.

Like everything, though, it is going to vary from person to person, so I suggest you just order some of both, see which one works best, and return the rest.

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I didn't want to start a new thread on the same topic so I figured I'd ask in this one. I couldn't find the answer using the search or in this thread unless I totally missed it so I apologize in advance if I did.

I'm having a little pain on the outsides of both feet in my new Bauer One75's and I came across this thread about Superfeet and it seems like they can help me out. Does anyone have any ideas on which color Superfeet would work best? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

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I didn't want to start a new thread on the same topic so I figured I'd ask in this one. I couldn't find the answer using the search or in this thread unless I totally missed it so I apologize in advance if I did.

I'm having a little pain on the outsides of both feet in my new Bauer One75's and I came across this thread about Superfeet and it seems like they can help me out. Does anyone have any ideas on which color Superfeet would work best? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

Superfeet grey are marketed for hockey skates. I also had foot pains and the SFs did the trick.

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Superfeet grey are marketed for hockey skates. I also had foot pains and the SFs did the trick.

Quick reply... Thanks!! I'll give the grey ones a shot. Appreciate the help.

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There is supposed to be a Yellow version out for skates as well... although i have not seen them anywhere... and can't find the other thread where I saw that...

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