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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Intrigue Stick Recommendations

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Ok so i am a small person (5' 110 lbs) and i am using a jr. 52 flex and i keep breaking them. I love the stick but it's just getting too much. Does anyone recommend a stick similar to this? I have the Sundin pattern also. I broke both sicks in 3 games. I play a high level but i don't think that's it. Thanks for the help.



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I've never used the stick so I'm probably not a whole lot of help. But for others it might help to know where the stick is breaking (the shaft, blade, etc.) and how (slap shot, wrist shot, slash, face-off etc.)

If you like the curve you might want to check this thread for advice on finding a similar pattern so you won't have to adjust when you get a new stick. You'll have to cross reference this with what's available in the catalogues in a Junior. Speaking of which if you want to stick with TPS I think you have just about everything (R2, R4, R6 and R8) available in Afinogenov (which is the current name for the old Sundin pattern).

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You are definately due for an upgrade. The Intrigue is junk. I think some NBH first line dealers are closing out their jr vapor xx sticks... that might be worth a look.

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Check out the Mission L-2 combo. Hockey Monkey's blowing them out for $55. I grabbed two intermediates and have used each for about 10 ice times and several shooting range practices, both are going strong and haven't weakened at all.

The Hull pattern is closest to the Sundin I believe.

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Hmm well i still have my RBK 4k which i think is an ok stick. I got an email today from hockeyoverstock for my TPS stick for 15 bucks today. Jr only. I may buy one more and then if it breaks again i'll just stick with the 4k. Thanks everyone

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Hmm well i still have my RBK 4k which i think is an ok stick. I got an email today from hockeyoverstock for my TPS stick for 15 bucks today. Jr only. I may buy one more and then if it breaks again i'll just stick with the 4k. Thanks everyone

$15 each? It they are that cheap, buy a bunch! You can afford to break them if you like them so much.

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