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Cubs land Nomar

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Then again he might have played a lot more games for another team. He told the Soc he might need to sit out for a couple weeks but told the Cubs he was fine and ready to play. I used to respect him but lately....

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Nomar has been acting kinda shady lately. I'm glad we got rid of him, as i doubt he'd ever be the same Nomar if he continued to play for Boston. We got 2 great defensive players in Mientkiewicz(sp) and Cabrera, and hopefully these pickups will boost the Sox come August and September. And hey, atleast Nomar went to my other favorite team :).

I might add that if we did this before the season started we would probably have A-Rod!!!(sour grapes)

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Mientkiecwz, great way for him to go. Pissed at the manager. The papers said he was tearing up in the batters box when he the crowd gave him a standing O.

I always have and will have Doug as my favorite player and certainly the best twins first basemen ever.

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Being From Boston and all Im gonna miss Nomaaaaah. I mean he was the franchise back in the day and he was one of the last veterans in the sox organization left, besides wakefiled and pedro. All I can say now is that I'm bringing my "Go Nomore Garciaparra" sign to Fenway instead of my "Go Nomar Garciaparra."

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I can't wait for M to "Buckner" a ball in the playoffs, should be good for a laugh or two.

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I'm sure Nomar liked moving from one cursed team for another.

It's a good trade for the Cubs though. I thought for sure that they'd have to give up Clement for the deal to go through. Now they still have their pitching staff intact and filled a huge hole in the lineup.

The Phils really sucked this year. I give the entire coaching staff until the end of the week. Millwood won't be back next year (thank god) and it looks like Wagner will opt out of his contract. Looks like we'll have $25M to spend next year, which is why I wish we made a push for Randy Johnson. We do have a hole in centerfield though. I wonder how much Beltran will cost us.

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I remember Mientkiewicz and A-Rod playing at Westminster Christian in Miami when I was in HS. Don't like him just due to the fact that a Miami boy ended up going to Florida State :P

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The Phills never should have kept Bowa. He was a ploy to get the old time fans back and has been a problem in the clubhouse the entire time he's been back. They may have been able to keep Rolen without Bowa and that would have been huge.

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Not saying that wasn't true, but I think Dallas Green was a much bigger factor in the Rolen situation. I think the main problem is Kerrigan. He's not handling the pitchers very well. Bowa hasn't been in nearly as much of a tirade this year. Our main problem is the players have poor baseball instincts and it just seems like they don't want to win. Not to mention that they don't play well as a team. And while Ed Wade has brought in great free agents, he hasn't made any good deals at the deadline.

It's time for a change anyway.

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I recall reading in spring training that they were already ignoring Bowa, that didn't seem to bode well. I thought the Phillies relief pitching had been pretty good considering the talent level. Starting pitching has been a different story.

I don't get why Polanco is playing so much and Utley is stuck on the bench. I would have thought they could flip Polanco for a real CF.

Bobby Valentine coming back from Japan next year to take over the team? There aren't a lot of other options out there.

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Polanco played well earlier, but not recently. They said that all Utley trades were immediately turned down, so I know they think he's the future. The Yankees rejected a Ledee for Lofton swap, so I don't know why we didn't offer up Polanco (who I know the Yankees wanted). Lofton would really help this team.

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