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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking Waiting Period Time

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I suspect it's a good idea to wait 24 hours that way all of the adhesives and other materials in the boot that were softened during the heating can harden thoroughly. The guys at my rink's pro shop have mixed opinions about it, but when I get my new Graf Supra 705s baked when they come in, rest assured I'm waiting a full 24...It's your investment, treat it how you feel appropriately.

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I've always heard that you should wait at least 24 hours, if not more. I don't know the materials so I can't say if that's scientifically true, but I would definitely heed the warnings of the manufacturer and your LHS. It's not worth damaging an expensive skate.

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Hey all, first time post.

Nike Bauer now says to wait at least one hour before using the skates after baking. However, if you can wait, you might as well give it some time to sit. 24 hours is more than enough time to let all the material harden.

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Probably just needs time to harden, the 24h thing is just covering bases. I just picked up NBH XXV's and for what I paid... I'm not going to throw caution to the wind once they're baked and play until at least a few hours or a day have passed. As bbruins8 said... "it's my investment"

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It definitely doesn't have to be 24 hours, maybe 2 hours minimum. But with the cost of skates, it's better to be safe than sorry.

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If you tell someone 5 hrs and that's exactly what's needed, many will cheat and say skate 3 hrs later. Then perhaps durability will be effected. So if you tell someone 24hrs and they cheat, (as many do) then likely they'll be OK. Also, I'm sure many LHS are frustrated when someone comes back with a skate that's falling apart, only to find out the person headed right to the rink after molding.

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Graf you can go 45 min-1 hr since it's essentially leather.

The only skate that you can go a few hrs on are ONE90s, other NBH skates say 24 hrs.

The answer is simple...get them baked, put them in your freezer. Couple of hrs later, and you'll have nothing to worry about.

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