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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 8000 pants sizing help

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I am still wearing my pair of Bauer Supreme pants from YEARS ago...and am looking to upgrade to a pair of Bauer 8000...I am around a 32-34 waist...5"11...about 180 pound.

I know I should be trying them on and will probably see if I can find a pair of XXX pants to try on locally. But does anyone know whether I should get a pair of M or L? I am currently wearing a pair of size M but they were bought like 8 years ago when I was still in high school...


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I wear a 34-35 in regular pants,and I have the 8000 in M and they work just fine. So in your case the should fit.


if it helps.

5' 10"


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