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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Video games & Hartford

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Searched, but nothing was releated to question. I'd like to know why, in the video game versions NHL xx/2Kx, you can never pick the Hartford Whalers and if you choose Carolina, they don't give you a choice to use old jerseys like other teams. Seems weird as I can play as the Rockies/Nordiques/Jets and others and it seems to be a odd ommision.

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The NHL no longer owns the rights to the Hartford Whalers' name or logo. The city of Hartford was awarded the rights as part of compensation for the Whalers breaking lease and moving to Carolina.

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The NHL no longer owns the rights to the Hartford Whalers' name or logo. The city of Hartford was awarded the rights as part of compensation for the Whalers breaking lease and moving to Carolina.

Im almost postive, Peter Karmanos is still the owner of the Whalers name/logos. Which is why a new NHL team in Hartford wouldnt be able to be called the Whalers unless Karmanos sold the name.

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The NHL no longer owns the rights to the Hartford Whalers' name or logo. The city of Hartford was awarded the rights as part of compensation for the Whalers breaking lease and moving to Carolina.

Im almost postive, Peter Karmanos is still the owner of the Whalers name/logos. Which is why a new NHL team in Hartford wouldnt be able to be called the Whalers unless Karmanos sold the name.

You're exactly right. Karmanos owns the Whalers' name and logo. That is why the NHL cannot use it. He is also the owner of the OHL Plymouth Whalers, who have the same colors as Hartford.

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Hartford's jerseys were set to be in the first Vintage Series edition, and it was even in the catalogue and everything. Once found out that they couldn't reproduce them, they were edited out.

That's why finding a Whalers jersey is like finding the Holy Grail. I've been trying for years to find the last edition in an authentic 56 (CCM or Starter)

All that being said, play NHL 94. You even get to hear Brass Bonanza. :)

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JR, thought about buying the patches and numbers and making one yourself? You may never find an authentic, but if you lettered and numbered it yourself you could make a pretty darn nice one..

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im originally from hartford and a grew up a huge whale fan. i had a authentic geoff sanderson navy blue jersey, it got stolen. cost almost 300. i cried. still have a couple of replicas and a practice jersey.

and yes the city of hartford owns the logo.

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im originally from hartford and a grew up a huge whale fan. i had a authentic geoff sanderson navy blue jersey, it got stolen. cost almost 300. i cried. still have a couple of replicas and a practice jersey.

and yes the city of hartford owns the logo.

Any proof of this?

I'm just going by what I was told...obviously if that is the case, I stand corrected.

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What ??? No Chris Govedaris rookie jersey ? :ph34r:

I'm holding out for a Joe Day gamer....

The Primeau and Dineen are Starter and CCM Authentics. The two practice jerseys are team used. The two Howe sweaters are cheapies from E-Bay to round out the collection. God the Whale had some great unis. JR- I sold a blank Starter Center Ice jersey a couple of years ago- Kicking myself for parting with it, but would have hooked you up.

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