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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Prepping a Stick

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I just purchased two RBK 5K Crosby curve sticks to replace the Sherwood stick and Warrior Dolomite I was using. However, these sticks have been getting lots of ice buildup on the tape. I use some generic wax (from Sports Authority), but it isn't helping. I've been using one stick for half the game, and switching to the other stick for the other half. The tape is just too wet and I get too much ice on that won't come off without me using a bare hand to scrape it off.

Any suggestions what I can do to improve the waterproofing on my stick, so I don't get so much ice buildup? It is taking it's toll on my shot and stickhandling abilities.

What do you do to prep your stick? Anyone seen what the pros do? I was watching a video on Shark Byte where Thornton was using a blowtorch on his blade, but I've heard that is no good for composites. I can't go buying a $100 stick every week.


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probably belongs in the equipment section but what i do is after every shift just use the thumb on my gloves to scrape off the snow but you could also try using a different type of wax or possibly melting some on as i have heard a few people saying they do melt it.

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1) I've found that the type of wax makes a difference. Personally, I refuse to use anything but Zog's.

2) Some people prefer to use a torch, heat gun or even a lighter to melt the wax into the tape. I, instead, prefer to use my fingers to literally rub it in (it takes awhile, and it can burn a little, but I find this is what works best. Once I've rubbed the first layer of wax in, I add another thin, even layer on top of it.

3) You're not alone - a lot of people (myself included) switch sticks mid-game. I always have three or four identical sticks taped-up and ready to go at the beginning of a game, and switch sticks as circumstances might dictate (wax being rubbed/washed off, tape getting cut/bunched, broken stick, etc.). If I think it's going to be necessary, I'll usually re-tape and wax one of the sticks I had already used during the intermission between the second and third periods. Some people say I'm crazy, I say I like being 100% comfortable with my equipment.

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i used to use wax with good results, but what i do now is take another roll of tape and rub it over the tapejob. it makes it feel a bit like friction tape after im done, and i find it's not quite a bad as retaining snow.

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1) I've found that the type of wax makes a difference. Personally, I refuse to use anything but Zog's.

Amen to that. Ever since I started using Zog's there's nothing even comparable IMHO. I tape my stick, rub on a light coat then heat it up then another light coat when it cools and it works great.

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is that the surfboard wax? or is it something else?

1) I've found that the type of wax makes a difference. Personally, I refuse to use anything but Zog's.

Amen to that. Ever since I started using Zog's there's nothing even comparable IMHO. I tape my stick, rub on a light coat then heat it up then another light coat when it cools and it works great.

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I have to re-tape far too often to even bother with wax. I tried it for a while, but it just wasn't worth it.

Zog's makes a variety of waxes, but began as a surfboard wax company. You can check out their stuff right here

Normally, I just tape the blade (starting at about a 1/2" from the end of the blade, goin about a 1/2" past the middle)then tape the end of the shaft. I like the white cloth tape, and finish with the renfew gauze-like grip tape stuff. Nothin fancy, but it works for me.

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Normally, I just tape the blade (starting at about a 1/2" from the end of the blade, goin about a 1/2" past the middle)then tape the end of the shaft. I like the white cloth tape, and finish with the renfew gauze-like grip tape stuff. Nothin fancy, but it works for me.

Doesn't the ice and stuff get caught in the little areas in that gauze-like tape?

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I have to re-tape far too often to even bother with wax. I tried it for a while, but it just wasn't worth it.

Zog's makes a variety of waxes, but began as a surfboard wax company. You can check out their stuff right here

Normally, I just tape the blade (starting at about a 1/2" from the end of the blade, goin about a 1/2" past the middle)then tape the end of the shaft. I like the white cloth tape, and finish with the renfew gauze-like grip tape stuff. Nothin fancy, but it works for me.

I didn't see the hockey wax on their website, but I could have missed it. Here is the stuff I use.

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I have to re-tape far too often to even bother with wax. I tried it for a while, but it just wasn't worth it.

Zog's makes a variety of waxes, but began as a surfboard wax company. You can check out their stuff right here

Normally, I just tape the blade (starting at about a 1/2" from the end of the blade, goin about a 1/2" past the middle)then tape the end of the shaft. I like the white cloth tape, and finish with the renfew gauze-like grip tape stuff. Nothin fancy, but it works for me.

I didn't see the hockey wax on their website, but I could have missed it. Here is the stuff I use.

Correct me if I'm wrong but that is Mr. Zogs.

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I have to re-tape far too often to even bother with wax. I tried it for a while, but it just wasn't worth it.

Zog's makes a variety of waxes, but began as a surfboard wax company. You can check out their stuff right here

Normally, I just tape the blade (starting at about a 1/2" from the end of the blade, goin about a 1/2" past the middle)then tape the end of the shaft. I like the white cloth tape, and finish with the renfew gauze-like grip tape stuff. Nothin fancy, but it works for me.

I didn't see the hockey wax on their website, but I could have missed it. Here is the stuff I use.

Correct me if I'm wrong but that is Mr. Zogs.

Yea Mr. Zog's.

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Doesn't the ice and stuff get caught in the little areas in that gauze-like tape?

I really didn't clarify that very well...I just use the gauze-like stuff on the end of the shaft, NOT on the blade.

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Then yeah it is on the site click the link then go to "Looking for Wax" and it comes up.

Yeah, I clicked on it and all that came up was surfboard wax, but that could very well be the hockey wax.

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I have to re-tape far too often to even bother with wax. I tried it for a while, but it just wasn't worth it.

Zog's makes a variety of waxes, but began as a surfboard wax company. You can check out their stuff right here

Normally, I just tape the blade (starting at about a 1/2" from the end of the blade, goin about a 1/2" past the middle)then tape the end of the shaft. I like the white cloth tape, and finish with the renfew gauze-like grip tape stuff. Nothin fancy, but it works for me.

I find that a good coat of sex wax helps the tape job last 2x-3x longer.

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