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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate lacing different from recommendations

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Out of curiosity, I wondered if others have different personal preferences on skate lacing. I usually do the opposite of what is normally recommended. I keep my laces pretty loose at the bottom and tighten them real tight at the ankles. I find this to be the advantage of the lace lock of the RBK/CCM...kinda sucks the U+ is getting rid of them. Do others do this with other skates and how do you do it other than the obvious two sets of laces? I am looking for some suggestions for my XXXXs.


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Some figure skaters do half of a square knot (ie the first part of tying your shoes before doing the bow) after the tight part when they want to do that.

The only pain in the a** part of that, is that the figure skaters have those hooks on the top part of their boot, hockey skates would have to be undone with the laces out of the eyelets where you would put the half square knot. Then you would have to thread the laces through.

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I used to lace my skates in a way so that whatever way the lace went into the hole, it came out on the other side the same way. So if i go from the outside to the inside wiht the lace, it leaves the next eye let from the inside to the outside. This allowed me to only have to pull every other section of laces, instead of every individual lace.

Another way to lace, if you want your skates real tight, is to make the laces go from the outside to the inside of the eyelets the entire time. When you pull the laces tight, they will lock into place and not loosen at all.

I hope these explanations weren't too confusing. I could post pictures later of each way if necessary.

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I lace snug-tight-loose, from bottom to top. I really liked the lace lock for that, but now I'm using double waxed laces on my 8090s.

It seems like every season at least one team-mate will use two laces per skate, one for the bottom and one for the last 3-4 pairs of eyelets.

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i was iffy about the lace lock at first, but I have varying preferenced with lacing the top... somedays i like it tighter. the bottom is usually snug, dont really yank the laces, but do use the outside to inside lacing method.

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Outside-in on all the eyelets except the top three. Looser on the bottom, as tight as I can on the top. I skip the top eyelet.

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i'm using one90s right now and i skip the top eyelett too.

i also really tighten them around the ankles, but i keep the lower parts rather loose...because i have rather high feet and when i tighten the lower parts it blocks my blood flow and it hurts like hell for the first 15 minutes...

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Got into a arguement with a friend about lacing your skates. They said that wraping laces around the back of the boot gives you better ankle support. This true? I said no

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i lace outside-in, snug around the foot, super tight at the d-lock then super loose around the ankles. i just find i get better mobility with a looser ankles. i had read a couple articles in the past saying that loose ankles could lengthen one's stride and give a more mobility on the ice. while i did hate it at first, i stuck it out for a couple more skates, and now that i'm used to it i don't think i'll ever lace any other way.

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