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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Pro Stock Blades

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I'm curious about that hossa curve as well. Has anyone used it and could tell me what the lie is on that thing? Also, is there anything in warrior pro stock curve lineup similar to retail draper?

P.S. Opinions will be appreciated B)

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Since my refund came in I thought I'd make one last splurge and get some more from HM. Picked up a few Arnotts and wanted to keep some toe curves to possibly tinker around with so I got Park and Afanasenkov coming as well. Didn't feel like paying near $100 shipping though so I'll have to wait for a friend to get them and ship them up here. I went looking for new patterns they may have had but no such luck. With my luck they'll get new ones in a couple days.

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I just placed my oreder for a six pack, I saw there was the Afanasenkov curve but I thought it was an error as it only came up in the second slot and never in just the one pack page. I sent them an email earlier this week and they said there were none left. Do you know if they just got a new shipment today?

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Iggy that's what it was doing for me, only the second slot so I just called and gave it a shot. The lady said they had one and I went ahead and kept it in the order. I'm banking on an email saying I need to pick another but we'll see.

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They may not have though. I don't have any faith at all in HM when it comes to ordering, so I'm expecting that email saying they don't have it. If they don't, oh well, here comes a GOP.

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I'm relatively sure you're not going to get one, I have an "in" at HM, and she's pretty good. She couldn't find anymore but someone might have held onto one for a customer.

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I'm relatively sure you're not going to get one, I have an "in" at HM, and she's pretty good. She couldn't find anymore but someone might have held onto one for a customer.

Who knows, I don't care either way. If it comes, grand, if they're out of stock I'll give something else a whirl or just get another Arnott.

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Anyone in the metro MPLS/STP area ordering any? I'd like to go in with some others to save on shipping. I only need one so I don't really feel like paying that much in shipping.

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Anyone in the metro MPLS/STP area ordering any? I'd like to go in with some others to save on shipping. I only need one so I don't really feel like paying that much in shipping.

Hrm tempting. I could even meet you at the Superrink to pick them up....

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I'm relatively sure you're not going to get one, I have an "in" at HM, and she's pretty good. She couldn't find anymore but someone might have held onto one for a customer.

Who knows, I don't care either way. If it comes, grand, if they're out of stock I'll give something else a whirl or just get another Arnott.

Hear you there, just letting you know that it's probably a good chance that you're going to have to yell at them again. haha

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Naw, I figured it was just a random error when it showed up only in one slot. I was calling just to make sure they didn't have any more Armstrong blades and asked if they had the Afanasenkov. If I do have a reason to call them it's to complain that I didn't get a heel curve Arnott.

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I cleaned them out of kovy and affy, they shouldnt have had anymore unless someone was hoarding them.

realy how many kovy you got are they all same curve? i realy wanted one do you mind sharing.

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