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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S500 Fit vs Vapor

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I did a search, but there wasn't much comparing these two skates.

I'm using Vapor 8D's, which are a bit narrow in the toes (had to get punched out), and a bit wide in the heels. Anyone have an idea of what would be the comparable size in Mission S-series, specifically the S400 and S500?

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For future reference, I got sized in Mission and it seems like I'd be an 8.5 EE, both in the S series and the XP series. They didn't stock AG's so I couldn't try those. But the general consensus was to start with the shoe size, maybe go down half.

On another note, I'm probably an 8EE in Vapor skates as well, not 8D, so it's about a half size difference between them for fit. Of course the fit was different so try them on...

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If you have a wide forefoot you'll definitely have to get a EE fit in the Missions as they are a slimmer fit than Nike/Bauer or CCM skates. Missions aren't really recommended for people with wider feet but some can fit into a EE alright. I find I can just fit comfortably into them but don't like the way the boot feels much.

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