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womens supreme70 pants

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hello, can anybody help out with a sizing question about womens supreme70 pants.

is there extra padding in them and do they fit differntly then mens pants

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there is no such thing as womens pants,

A few companies do/did make female specific gear- pants, shoulder pads, skates gloves etc. Louisville, CCM, Mission all come to mind.

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They def. have pants marketed for women, but I am not sure how they differ, I imagine they may have padding in different/additional places...

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(I am posting under my husband's screen name because I haven't bothered to make my own.. still just lurk on this site):

Anyway, I'm a woman and I have the Bauer XV women's pants.. I like them. In general, (from what I've read), "women's" pants tend to be somewhat shorter in the thigh and wider in the hips. I don't know about differences in padding.. and I suppose all that varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and maybe even style to style. Either way, mine definitely fit me better than the men's pants I had beforehand, because they come down around the wider hips and then are more streamlined again as they fit around the thighs, rather than simply being wide enough to fit my hips and then being somewhat cumbersome down through the thigh/leg.

I don't know if padding is different from men's but mine have a two piece thigh pad (side/front) and almost nothing on the back of the leg; there's a nice high tailbone/back/spine piece and the hip padding is great but the open spot near the back/side of the leg just happens to be such that when I've lost an edge or gone down I've landed with my pelvis almost directly on the ice through the non-padded part. So.. something to consider.

Anyway, I think generally women's pants that are designed and sold specifically as women's pants fit best for women with wider hips and shorter legs (like me) as opposed to a woman with a pretty straight or boyish frame; I've heard complaints about them from women with that build. Also, double check the sizing, a medium in the women's model won't be the same as in the men's; I'd find the size chart with the waist/hip measurements and go by that if you can't try them on in person first. They say with women's pants it's more important to fit the hip first and worry about length second.

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