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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tongue Twisters

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Thought we'd have some fun. Add any tongue twisters you know. I'll do the first.

Try to repeat it as many times as you can without messing up.

Snap Crackel pop

Snap Crackel pop

Snap Crackel pop

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Try this on some people and see if they fall for it. Ask them to spell Top, Pop, Mob, Cop, and Hop. Once they finish spelling all those words, ask them what you do at a green light. Everyone I do this to always says Stop.

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Theres some good ones at the begining of anchorman.

how now brown cow

how now brown cow

how now brown cow

unique new york

unique new york

unique new york

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Yeah, I've heard on like that. You tell them to say 'boast most toast' 5 times fast then ask them what you put in a toaster. Everyone says toast.

What else would you say Pop Tart?

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Yeah, I've heard on like that. You tell them to say 'boast most toast' 5 times fast then ask them what you put in a toaster. Everyone says toast.

What else would you say Pop Tart?

you put bread into the toaster and take toast out.

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