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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Scuf on Visor

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I have an Itech Fx-100 and while playing tonight a high stick hit it. It left a green mark (the stick was a reebok 1k fibercore) right in the middle of the visor i've tried using plain old elbow greese to remove it to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get it off?

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I have an Itech Fx-100 and while playing tonight a high stick hit it. It left a green mark (the stick was a reebok 1k fibercore) right in the middle of the visor i've tried using plain old elbow greese to remove it to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get it off?

Nail polish remover/rubbing alcohol.

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I've always used nail polish remover never had problems, maybe because of the types of shields I use? :shrug:, never thought of toothpaste I'll have to try that next time

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I had success removing scuffs with those Mr. Clean Magic Erasers on my HS-22 pro wave. I even keep them in my hockey bag now for between-period scuff removal since you just need to dampen them to get 'em to work.

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I just bought a used itech dx-100 visor with some scuffs and scratches on it and tried toothpaste and it didn't work. So maybe i was doing it wrong? what I did was put some toothpaste on my finger then rub on the spots, then i washed it off. Can someone please tell if thats wrong or if you have any other suggestions. Also did anyone have actually have any succes using nail polish remover on a dx-100.


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im pretty sure you can use something like pledge too and that will cover up some of the more minor scratches, wont fill the cut a skate left on my DX though :(

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I'm told the fine Rub On Compound (in the Auto section of your Hardware store) works as well. I believe it's actual use is to buff blemishes out of auto finishes, and restore banged up plastic headlamps.

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I use Meguairs Plast-X. Works well for me but beware: ONLY USE IT ON THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR VISOR. lol. My brother got a scratch on the inside of his visor somehow and he used my stuff. Totally demolished the visor..

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what I did was put some toothpaste on my finger then rub on the spots, then i washed it off.


You have to buff it out, not freshen its breath.

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what I did was put some toothpaste on my finger then rub on the spots, then i washed it off.


You have to buff it out, not freshen its breath.

Lol, What do you suggest I buff it with?

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